Gone (1/2)

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Dick remembered that day like it was yesterday. Only, it wasn't. It was 5 whole years ago. That day he lost the one person who was everything to him.


"Come on, Dick! Are we doing this stupid drill again? I know how to do it." Jason complained.

Dick laughed, "Really? because you keep messing up."

"Well, I'm not perfect! You're the acrobat, not me."

"Exactly, that means you still need practice."

Jason sighed, "Fine." He repeated his exercise and got it.

"See? That wasn't so hard." Dick said.

Jason rolled his eyes at Dick and pushed him away as he left the room.

"Bruce," Dick said as he went over to him. "Jason is being so difficult. How can you stand him?"

"You just need to be patient with him."

"You keep telling me to be patient."

"He's going through a lot."

"So? I've been through a lot and I wasn't like that!"

Bruce laughed, "You and him are so similar. You just need time to understand him."

"Ugh!" Dick stomped off to the manor.

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now