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Jason was trapped in a corner surrounded by thugs. One of them had a crow bar which brought back bad memories. Jason didn't have any weapons on him and his arm was broken. He was scared.

Then from above him, someone swung down and knocked back everyone. Jason watched as the acrobat took down the thugs. By the time Robin and Batgirl made it over Dick wiped the floor with them. He held out his hand for Jason to take and Jason took it and smiled.

"Thanks, Dick." Was all he said and both Barbara and Tim looked at each other. Jason never accepted help from anyone before. He would always act out in anger, but this time, with Dick he didn't. This was a first, it wasn't because this time he was in a bad situation, he's been in worse before. Robin and Batgirl were confused.

The got back to the cave and Dick tended to Jason wounds. Afterwards, Dick said, "No fighting for you for the next couple of days. You're in no condition to fight."

"Okay," Jason honestly replied. Dick pulled up a chair next to the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't leave." Dick smiled.

"I can't feel my arms. I'm not stupid enough to leave."

"Well, maybe I just want to spend time with my brother." Dick countered.

"Fine by me. I could use the company," Jason smiled.

Tim and Babara stood outside the door, paying close attention to them.

Tim whispered, "Isn't this spying?"

Barbara said back, "Yes, but the two of them are acting weird around each other. Dick never wants to spend time with Jason. And Jason would never want him around. Maybe they became friends."

"Friends? Never. They hate each other's guts." Barbara and Tim looked behind them to see Damian.

"Well, then how do you explain that?" Barbara said as she gestured to Dick ands Jason.

Damian looked over and didn't know what to say.

"Exactly. They're friends."

"Actually," another voice came from behind them. They looked to see Steph. "I think they might be more."

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now