Perfect Proposal (2/2)

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They got downtown and looked for Bruce and Tim. There was an explosion close to them and Jason pushed Dick away.

Dick had minor bruises and he turned to look for Jason. "Jay, you okay?!" He yelled.

"Geez, not so loud," Jason replied as he pushed the rumble off of himself.

Dick ran over to him and hugged him. "Ow," that hurts. Jason returned the hug.

"Dick, Jason. Behind you!" It was Tim running towards them. They both quickly turned around and saw someone in a ski mask coming at them with a bat.

Jason blocked Dick with his arm. The bat made contact and it hurt him but it was better than letting Dick get hurt. That gave Dick time to jump around him and knock him out.

"Jay, you're hurt," he said as he went to look at his arm.

Jason smiled, "I'm fine."

"Sorry guys," Tim said, "One slipped passed us."

Bruce came up to them, "That should be all of them,"

Jason turned to Dick, "Now, tell me what you were going to ask."

"Not now, please." Dick's face turned red.

Jason said, "Yes now! I need to know if you're going to break up with me," Jason cried.

Tim and Bruce looked at each other confused since they didn't know about them.

"What? No. I was going to ask," Dick said, "Will you marry me?"

That caught Jason off guard,"Yes."

Bruce and Tim just stared at them and each other and shouted at the same time, "What?!"

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now