Perfect Proposal (1/2)

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After finishing dinner with the Batfam, Dick gestured Jason to meet him in his room. Jason smiled, knowing what Dick wanted. He followed Dick and closed the door behind them.

Jason smiled as he stripped him down. "Jason," Dick said as he tried to push him away, "Please stop."

He laughed, "What?" He got off of Dick. "You don't want this?"

"N-no, I do want this. I-i just need to ask you something," Dick said shyly.

"What?" Jason asked. Please don't be breaking up with me.

Dick took a deep breath, "Will you-"

Before he could finish, he heard a knock on his door, "Dick, a bank's being robbed, downtown. Bruce and Tim are on their way, tell Jason if you see him." It was Barbara.

"Uh,'kay, be there." He said as he changed into his suit.

"What was it you were going to tell me?" Jason asked.

Dick smiled nervously, "Ah, I'll tell you later, let's go."

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