Who are you? (3/3)

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Dick opened his eyes to see the stranger sleeping peacefully next to him. He desperately wanted to know the man behind the mask but he knew that he wouldn't want his own identity to be revealed.

The stranger smiled as if he knew that Dick was staring at him. He smiled as he leaned into Dick and kissed him with his eyes still closed.
Dick smiled as the stranger met his lips. The man suddenly got up and said, "I should go." Dick grabbed his arm.

"Don't go," Dick said, "I-I really like you." Dick admitted as his face turned bright red.

The stranger smiled at Dick, "Relax, Dickie. I said I have to go, I never said I wasn't coming back. And.." he paused, "I like you too."

That made Dick's heart skip a beat. He released the stranger and watched him put his clothes on. Lastly, he put his red helmet on.

The stranger left the way he came in, through the fire escape. Dick got up and watched as his partner swung off the fire escape.

Dick yelled, "You better come back! I still don't know who you are!" The man laughed to himself as he landed in the pavement.

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now