Chapter 1: The Necklace

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F/N = Friend's name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second favorite color
F/D = Favorite drink

Italics without quotations = thoughts

Your POV

  Another stressful yet boring day at work. I sigh as I trudge through my apartment door and collapse onto the couch. I click the TV on and open Disney Plus up.

"What to watch today..." I ask aloud to myself. "Should I start a new show? ...Nahhh. Let's keep watching Gravity Falls."

I click on the episode, revealing that I'm on "Not What He Seems". I squeal with delight as I press play. "This is the episode before Ford is finally a full fledged character in the show!"

I scroll through my phone as the episode plays, already having the show committed to memory. While Stan was breaking out of the interrogation room, a text popped up on my notifications bar.

(F/N): Hey Y/N! Been a while since we hung out. You free tomorrow?

(Y/N):  Hi!!  I actually am, surprisingly. 

(F/N):  Great!  Cause there's this store that I found the other day and it has some great stuff in there.  I think you'll like it!

(Y/N):  You?  Shopping?  That's not normal. 

(F/N):  Ik ik ik.  Something about this place drew me in though.  It's really cool, I promise!

(Y/N):  Ok ok ok.  Pick me up at noon?

(F/N):  You know it!  See you then!

  I yawn as I look to the TV to see that the episode was just finishing.  How am I already tired?  I can usually watch a couple episodes every night and be sleep deprived for work.  I turn off the TV.  Oh well.  Sleep will bring me closer to tomorrow anyway. 

  I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping.  Oh God that means it's gonna be sunny today.  Gross.  I get out of bed and stretch.  "Welp.  Another day, another random body pain."  I chuckle at my own reference.  ...I am such a loser. 

  After showering, fixing my hair and brushing my teeth, I contemplated on what to wear.  I went with a F/C shirt, a pair of jeans, and S/F/C chucks.  Nothing too fancy, it's just a small outing. I look at the time.  11:00.  Plenty of time for a late breakfast.  Once I finished making and eating food, I felt my phone buzz.

(F/N):  I'm here!

(Y/N):  Ok I'll be out in a sec. 

  I grabbed my purse and keys, rushing out the door.  "Woah, there's no rush Y/N." 

  "F/N!"  I grinned and jogged over to their car.  "Long time no see!"

  They smile, "It really has been a while.  Wanna grab some F/D before we go to the shop?"

  I nod as I get into their car.  We chatted and laughed as we got our drinks and drove to the shop. 

  "BC Boutique?"


  I stare at the place.  "It's very... yellow." 

  "Give it a chance, Y/N.  I actually really like it here."  F/N pouts. 

  I sighed.  "Fine, fine.  Let's go in." 

  The bell tinkled merrily as we walked in.  F/N waved at the cashier.  "Hey William!" 

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