Chapter 44: Comfort

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  I woke up to what I've become accustomed to, Ford spooning my body as if his very life depended on cuddles.  I looked at the digital clock on my bed stand and sighed in annoyance.  "Fordsie, we gotta get up.  Stan's taking the kids on that damn road trip today." 

  He groaned and held me tighter.  "Five more minutes."  My husband said groggily as he nuzzled my shoulder. 

  I turned over to face him.  This caused him to wake up a little more, but he still kept his arms firmly around me.  "Honey.  We gotta get going." 

  He seemed to think for a moment before rolling on top of me, still holding me tight, and rested his head on my chest. "You've turned five minutes into ten."

"Stanford... you're gonna be the death of me." I sigh as I wrapped my arms around him.

He simply hummed happily in response.


After saying goodbye to the kids and Stan, I decided it was officially time for Ford to meet Daluh and Isra.  I paced as I waited for older genie to pick up. 

  "Hello and thank you for calling Ahmad's Shop of Wonders, Daluh speaking." 

  "Hey Daluh, it's Y/N." 

  "Marhaba, Y/N!  I have not seen you or Stan in quite some time, I am assuming it because of the shaytan?"

I sighed. "I should've known you'd feel his presence. That's only part of the reason why we have been scarce."


"Could you and Isra come over? It would be best to talk about this in person."

"Anything for you, my dear. See you soon."

"See you soon." I put the phone onto the receiver. 

  Ford peeked out from around the corner.  "Who was that?"

  "The Ahmads, Fordsie. I figured it's about time you met them."

  One of my husband's eyebrows lifted up.  "The genies?"


He frowned a little at this. "And you're sure they aren't working for Bill?"

"I'm sure, Stanford." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "The parent is a free genie, and their child wasn't born into slavery."

"How did they free themselves?"

I huffed. "They stole their lamp from Bill while he was distracted by Daluh's partner." Ford still looked skeptical. "Stanford, if you don't believe me then ask him when he gets here."

"I believe you, I'm just not sure if I believe them."

"Well, when the Ahmads get here look at the tattoos."

Ford relaxed a little. "Alright. I will."

After a bit of silence, I asked a nagging question that was burning in my brain. "Do you not trust them because you encountered genies while you were stuck?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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