Chapter 6: Prom (part 3)

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(Art is done by me!)

Ford's POV:

...Stan's hand. I felt jealousy build up in me as Stan wore a smug expression. He and I are definitely talking about this later. I jolted when Y/N patted my shoulder.

"You're next, Fordsie. There's no need for the long face." She gave me a comforting smile.

"Alright." I smiled back at her before Stanley took her hand and they started dancing.

I walked over to the bleachers and sat down. I couldn't help but sigh as I watched them dance. Out of the two of us, Stan was definitely the better dancer.

When he started making her laugh, I couldn't stand to watch anymore. I made my way to the refreshment table and drank some punch while I watched the rest of our class dance. Watching anyone but them. Suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder.


I turned towards the voice. "I thought you were dancing with Stan?"

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "I promised you the next dance, remember? The next song has already started."

"I... wasn't paying attention. Got lost in thought." I flushed with embarrassment.

"C'mon Fordsie." She took my hand and led me over the the dance floor.

Blushing furiously, I took Y/N's waist with one hand and her hand in the other. We started to move with the music. Normally dancing came as naturally to me as talking to girls, but with Y/N it just felt... right. I cleared my throat. "So... um... what was so funny earlier when you were with Stanley?"

She grinned.  "He told me a joke!  Wanna hear it?"

  Thank Moses that's all it was.  "Sure."

  "So I went to the zoo the other day, but the only animal there was a dog."


  "It was a shitzu."

  I snickered.  "That actually is pretty funny."

  "Right?"  She giggled. 

  We locked eyes for a moment, and the world seemed to stop.  My heart began to race and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.  She seemed to look at me with just as much adoration as I felt for her.  This is your chance Stanford.  Ask her on a date.  "Y/N.  I... have something to ask you."


  "Would you..." I looked up to see Stan glaring daggers at me.  The whole world seemed to crash down.  I can't do this.  I sigh.  "Would you like to be my partner for the New Jersey Science Fair?"  I smiled softly. 

  I thought I saw a flicker of disappointment in Y/N's eyes but it was immediately replaced with surprise and happiness.  "Of course, Fordsie!"  She hugged me tightly.

  I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.  The song ends just then.  "We should probably get going."  I say as I reluctantly let go of her and look at the clock.  "It's already 11:15." 

  "Already?"  She looked at the clock as well and sighed.  "Alright.  Let's get Stanley."

  We walked over to a somewhat disgruntled-looking Stan.  "Hey it's time to go."  I nudged him with my foot. 

  "Yeah okay."  He mumbled as he made his way out of the gymnasium at a brisk pace. 

  We jogged to try to catch up to him.  "What's got his knickers in a twist?"  Y/N asked as she furrowed her brows. 

  I shrugged in response, but I had a feeling as to why he was acting this way.


  "Okay, what the hell was that?"  Stan growled as he shut our bedroom door. 

  "You're asking ME?  Stanley, you were the one who was so smug and attempted to woo her with your dancing and your jokes!" 

  He turned red.  "At least I wasn't making goo-goo eyes at Y/N the whole time like you were!  Could you be any more obvious?  And hugging her!  How on earth did you get her to hug you?"  He raised his voice.

  "I asked her to be my partner for the science fair."

  "You WHAT?" 

  "I asked her to be my partner for the science fair."  I repeated, slower this time. 

  "You don't NEED a partner for the project!"  He snapped.

  I rolled my eyes.  "I know that.  Having her as a partner will make things easier though.  She's always been great at designing models for group projects, and I could use that kind of help for what I'm wanting to present." 

  Stan glared at me.  "This has nothing to do with how you feel about her?" 

  I sighed.  "Stanley, neither of us can exactly stay away from her.  We're her only friends, just the same as her being our only friend.  We just need to control ourselves around her."  I said, completely avoiding the question.  There's no way that I'm going to tell him that I nearly asked her out tonight. 

  "You're right.  We gotta keep an eye out for each other to make sure things don't get out of hand though."  Stan scratched his head.  "Sorry for making you jealous." 

  Well he didn't notice that I never actually answered his question. That's good.  "At least you didn't do anything more than dance and joke around."  I said while taking off my stained suit. 

  Stan started doing the same thing.  "That's true." He paused. "We're okay, right?"

"Of course we are. I can't see anything ever separating us." I put on my pajamas and slid under the covers of my bed.  "Goodnight Knucklehead."

  "G'night Poindexter."


Whew!  Finally got that done!  While I know how I want things to go it can be difficult to actually get them out into words.  Feel free to comment, I'd really like feedback or just talk to you guys!  I'll try to get the next chapter out soon.


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