Chapter 33: The Girl

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???'s POV
Two years later

  I wrung my hands together nervously as I sat in the shade of a tree near the clearing where I would normally see him.  This is it.  If Teddy shows up, I'm going to confront him.  He should be done with "school" now, whatever that is.  Hopefully he doesn't freak out. 

  I tried to fix my messy white hair but there was locks that refused to properly straighten out.  "Stupid hair."  I mumbled as my nose twitched with irritation.  Then I saw him from in the distance.  My heart started to beat faster.  Don't panic don't panic don't panic don't panic don't panic.  Whatever you do,  DON'T PANIC.

Teddy's POV
Earlier that day

  I slumped over the dining table, feeling exhausted from helping Stan stock the gift shop until late at night. 

  "Hey Teddy Bear?" 

  I yawned.  "Yes Ma?" 

  "You have a letter... do any of your friends from school live around here?  There's no stamp on here." 

  "No... I hardly had any friends there."  I sat up and took the letter.

  Dear Teddy,

  Please meet me in the clearing of the forest.  There's something you need to know.


  I frowned as I scanned the letter.  W?  Who on earth could that be? 

Back to the present

  I made my way to the middle of the clearing, staying as alert as possible.  I scanned the area until my eyes landed on a woman.  I slowly walked toward her, crossbow in hand.  "Are you the one who sent the letter?"  I asked.

  "Y-yes."  The woman said, trying to avoid my gaze. 

  "Who are you?" 

  She stood up, barely reaching to my shoulder. She held out her hand. "I'm Winter." She took a deep breath before locking her crimson eyes onto mine. "I'm the pygmy rabbit you've been talking to for the past four years."

  I put away my weapon and shook her hand, unsure of how else to respond to such a statement.  "I... umm.  Hi.  I'm Teddy.  Well you obviously knew that."  I felt my cheeks turn pink as I rubbed the back of my neck.  She looked at me with her wide eyes and my heart started racing.  Uh oh.

  "You... aren't mad at me for hiding what I was?"  She looked like she was about to cry out of relief. 

  "W-why would I?  It's only natural to want to protect yourself... r-right?"  I chuckled nervously.

  "Thank goodness."  Winter's anxiety seemed to melt away as she gave me a big hug.  "I was so worried you would hate me."  She buried her face into my chest. 

  I froze.  Oh God she is so adorable.  I hesitantly hugged her back. 

  She then looked up at me.  "Can we please cuddle like we used to?" 

  "I mean... I doubt you can curl your entire body up on my chest... but we can cuddle if you'd like."  I felt my face heat up.  Winter smiled when I laid down on the cool grass and she cuddled up against my side.  Dear lord have mercy, this is going to be difficult.


  I paced around my room.  What am I going to do?  The rabbit that I would vent to now happens to be an extremely cute girl.  She knows things about me that even Isra doesn't know!  How am I gonna explain any of this to Ma and Stan?  I stopped and rubbed my temples.  I can't tell them about her.  Not yet.

  "Teddy Bear?"  I heard Ma's voice through the door.  "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, Ma." I lied.

There was a slight pause. "Alright. Dinner is going to be done in a few minutes, if you're hungry."

"Okay thank you!" I held my breath as I waited for her to walk away. I exhaled when I heard her footsteps. I sat down at my desk and grabbed a piece of paper. Maybe drawing will get my mind off of her.


I hesitated before walking into the kitchen.  Teddy knows that I can tell when he's lying, I don't know why he insists on keeping things from meI sat down at the dining table and sighed. 

  "What's wrong?  Did Teddy eat the last of the chips again?"

  "Stan.  That was you." 

  He chuckled as rubbed the back of his neck.  "Heh.  Right." 

  "I just wish Teddy would trust me with the things that are going on in his life." 

  Stan sat down and patted my hand.  "Most kids try to hide things from their parents all the time.  Knowing him, he'll say something eventually.  Or you'll just figure it out on your own." 

  "That's true."

  "I could go through his things so we can figure it out faster?" 

  "Stanley... that's invasion of privacy."

  He shrugged.  "Never stopped me before." 

  I pinched my nose.  "Pines boys, I swear..."  I say under my breath. 

  "Huh?  What was that?"

  "It's nothing."  I smirked.  "We should get you some hearing aids, old man." 

  "Hey!  Who are you calling old?  We're practically the same age!"  Stan protested.

  I laughed.  "At least I can hear when someone is talking shit."

  "Wait what?"


I had bad writers block for this chapter, but the first half was something that needed to happen.  Hopefully my next chapter won't be as hard to write.


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