Chapter 38: Not What They Seem

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  After many crazy adventures that happened over the course of this summer, it's finally almost time to bring him back.  I'm so nervous. I looked back at the clock next to the bed. 5 AM. He should be back any minute now. A few moments later I heard something heavy and metal drop downstairs.


I rushed down the stairs and into the gift shop.

"Wait. I'm alone. I can curse for real! SON OF A-"


He turned to me, startled. "What are you doing down here?"

"I could hear you from the bedroom. Try to keep it down, would ya? We don't want to blow our cover when we're this close."

Stan chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry. Since you're down here now, wanna help me get these damn things down the stairs?"

  "Of course.  It's nice that you're actually letting me help out with bigger things now."  I said while I punched in the code on the vending machine. 

  "After witnessing you take down a bunch of zombies with that sword of yours, it kind of cleared any doubts that I had about you being physically weak." 

  I clicked my tongue.  "Gee, thanks."  I sarcastically replied.

  "No problem.  The other suit is downstairs so go put it on before getting any closer." 

When I came back up, he was closer to the basement entrance.  "Now hold it steady and let me know when I can step forward, okay?"

  "No problem." 

  When we finished bringing the radioactive material down and attaching hoses to the containers, we took off the radiation suits and put on gloves. Stan then pulled a lever and the green fluid pumped into large tanks.

"Come on, come on.  Should be just enough to finish the job." He mumbled to himself as he removed his fez to wipe his forehead, and without knowing, wiped toxic waste on his forehead. It sizzled and briefly glowed green. "Whew.  Can't be too careful with this stuff."

I rolled my eyes as he put his fez back on. "How you manage to not die from stupid mistakes like that on a day to day basis is beyond me."

Before he could quip back, the red lights on top of the now filled tanks started to flash and the buzzer went off.  Stan smiled at me before we both turned to look at the screen behind us. 'EVENT INITIALIZED' popped up and the eighteen hour countdown started.

I felt my heart beat faster as Stan read out loud from the first journal. "'Warning,' blah blah blah, 'Extreme usage could result in minor gravity anomalies'. Can it, Poindexter!" He huffed as he slammed the journal shut. "We've come this far.  We're not givin' up now!"  He turned to me with a grin. "Would you like to do the honors?"

I grinned back. "Hell yeah." I flipped open the protective case around the start button and pushed it.  The portal whirred to life, flashes of red, orange, yellow, blue and purple filling our vision.

Stan wrapped an arm around me and gave me a tight side hug. "This is it." He said excitedly while admiring the contraption in front of us. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but it'll all be worth it."  He let go of me to sit down and put the smaller countdown timer onto his wrist. "Just eighteen more hours.  Finally, everything changes... Today."

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