Chapter 41: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons

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"Hmm. The cycloptopus we captured a couple days ago is exhibiting erratic behavior, Dad." Teddy said from the other side of the room. "Are you sure that containing it in such a small space is a good idea?"

Ford looked over at the jar. "Yes, I'm quite sure. The reason I wanted to study it more is to determine how intelligent they actually are, perhaps it has the capacity to feel bored." He strode over to his son and inspected the creature closer.

"Maybe Polyphemus needs some sort of physical contact?" I suggested. I came closer with the customized electric gloves. (The way I pronounce Polyphemus is paul-uh-fee-muhs but if any other mythology lover pronounces it differently then feel free to use yours!)

Ford shrugged. "It's worth a shot."

Teddy's eyes widened. "You're going to electrocute the poor thing?"

Ford chuckled at his son's concern for the creature. "Relax, Ted. It's simply a safety precaution." He reassured as he pulled on the gloves. "It recovers within a couple hours after electrocution." He reached into the jar and let the cycloptopus wrap its tentacles around his arm. Polyphemus growled a little as Ford lifted it up. Once it was completely out, Pol immediately screeched and detached itself from Ford's arm and scuttled up the stairs. "Shit!" My husband cursed as he dashed after it. I quickly went after them. I heard Teddy close behind as I heard the kids scream. "Get down!  Don't let it taste human flesh!" Ford shouted as he charged the gloves and punched the cycloptopus. It gurgled in pain as it let go of my husband's arm once again and dashed across the room.

  "What is it?!" Dipper panicked.

Mabel, however, was fascinated by the creature.  "Can we keep it?"

Stan hit it with a rolled up newspaper. "Kill it!  Kill it!" He yelled.

Ford chased Pol around the counter and cornered it to the wall.  "Patience..." He mumbled as the cycloptopus growled. "And..." Polyphemus' eye turned into a screaming mouth.  "Gotcha!" He lunged for the creature and stunned it with the gloves. Ford held the burnt cycloptopus up by one of its tentacles and grinned in triumph.

Teddy and I, however, felt pity for the creature as it whimpered. "Poor Pol." I said sympathetically.

  "Great. Now get it outta here." Stan pinched his nose in disgust as Ford ignored his brother and made his way to the basement door. "It smells like if death could barf."

Before Ford could go down, Dipper rushed over to him, one of the journals in his hands. "Gruncle Ford!  You need any help with that?  I've read all about these creatures in your journal, and I think I know how to-"

My husband held up a hand and spoke firmly. "No!  I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark weird road I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow.  Well, call us for dinner!" He said the last sentence cheerfully.

Dipper looked at me with sad puppy eyes. I sighed. "If it were up to me I'd let you join us, kiddo. Heck, he only includes your cousin Teddy when our research involves creatures." I smiled. "I'll fill you in on what we do with Pol, alright?"

"Okay..." Dipper said, still looking somewhat dejected.

Teddy and I went back downstairs, slowly shutting the door behind us. My son looked at me. "I hate seeing Dipper so sad."

"I know, sweetie." I patted his shoulder. "Your dad will open up to him eventually. For now though... let's take care of the cycloptopus he electrocuted."

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