Chapter 30: The Rabbit

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Genies~ Gender fluid humanoids. Physical appearance changes with what gender they identify as at that moment.  Particularly fond of herbal substances.  They are technically considered demons.  Contrary to popular belief, genies do not originate from lamps.  Bill Cipher tricked their kind to become trapped inside lamps in order for them to achieve immortality.  An additional mark of enslavement are triangular brands on the the inside of the wrists.  The only ways for a genie to become free is if a person wishes for it (the genie cannot ask to be freed) or if they steal back their lamp from Bill while he maintains possession of it.  The only time Bill has possession of lamps is when he is going to distribute lamps across this dimension's middle eastern region.  Genie wishes are similar to Bill's deals, as you do have to shake hands with the genie to complete the wish and you need to be extremely clear as to what your wish is, or else any sort of negative consequences and/or double meaning will occur.

  I flipped to the page that I started for my necklace.

  Cipher's Necklace~ A free genie that I spoke to, Daluh Ahmad, has informed me that my necklace is imbued with a genie's power and the warning I received with it was only to lure others into wearing it.  It has brought a higher amount of anomalous effects to this dimension, as it apparently acts as a beacon to creatures outside of Gravity Falls or gives a higher repopulation rate to creatures in Gravity Falls that would otherwise be extinct.  It will also allow me to freely walk into a dream while Bill is inhabiting it.  Daluh theorized that Bill meant for me in particular to have received this necklace.  Why he wants me to have such a powerful relic, I do not know.  The only conclusion I can draw from this is that Bill might be more crafty than the show lead me to believe, and whatever happens in the future when Gideon releases him... could prove more disastrous than before I existed here.

  I set down my pen and rubbed my temples.  Daluh gave me so much information all at once... it's making my head spin.  Stan cleared his throat from the bottom of the stairs. 

  "Everything okay, toots?" 

  I closed the journal and turned to him.  "A lot has happened in the past couple days."  I looked to the broken portal.  "After so many years, I'm finally getting answers to my situation.  But... it isn't enough to do anything to get him back."  I hung my head.  "It's starting to drive me crazy, Stanley." 

  I heard him sigh and I felt his arms around me, and his chin resting on my head.  "Y/N, you aren't going to go crazy.  Not on my watch."  He hugged me tighter.  "We'll get through this together.  I promise." 

  "You say that all the time."

  "That's because I mean it."

Teddy's POV

"Why is my mom still keeping secrets about what's going on?" I asked out loud as I sat down in the forest clearing that I have become quite fond of. I looked up at the moon and sighed. "Maybe she will tell me eventually." Suddenly, I hear a slight rustling from behind me. I quickly grabbed the crossbow from next to me and aimed at the noise. A white pygmy rabbit emerged from the long grass. "Oh. It's just you." I set aside my weapon and laid down.  "Want to join me, little one?"  It hopped over to me and curled up on my chest.  "Awe."  I cooed as I gently petted it.  "I'm glad that I can talk to you without any snarky comebacks."  I sighed as I stroked their ears before talking about what has happened since I last saw the rabbit.

???'s POV

  He has no clue that I can hear him.  I wish I could talk to him.  But I don't know how he'd react to what I am...

He then looked at the odd circle thing on his wrist.  "Crap, I better get home before Ma notices that I'm not there."  He picked me up from his chest and set me beside him.  "I wish I could take you with me, but it isn't wise to remove animals from their natural habitats unless it is necessary."  He stroked my chin one last time before walking away.  He turned around before leaving the clearing and called out.  "I'll see you next time, little one!" 

    It won't be for a while though.  Not until the next full moon, anyway.  I sighed inwardly before making my way back home.  As I went through the small door, I could tell my parents weren't happy. 

  "Where were you, young lady?  You knew where you were supposed to go tonight."  My father demanded. 

  My nose twitched.  "I was out with someone." 


  "I... can't tell you."

  That made him agitated.  "Why not?"

  I ignored him and went into the bedroom, where the rest of my siblings were asleep.  I laid down on my cot and sighed.  "Because he's a human."  I said softly to myself before going to sleep.

I'm sorry guys, I keep getting writers block.  Especially since I'm going to start another story sometime soon.  I'll try to force myself into a schedule to have a chapter come out every other week.  (If you are interested in reading my other story, it's going to be an original fantasy story called The Demon Hunter.  Hopefully I can get the first chapter out next week.) 


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