Chapter 27: Answers

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Teddy's POV

I shut my door and pressed my back against it, looking at the picture Ma gave me. So they've been lying to me all this time? I've never actually met my father?  I felt tears stream down my face.  "Fuck."  I said under my breath as I took off my glasses and wiped my eyes.  I set them down on the side table and laid down on my bed.

I suppose them lying makes some sense.  From what Ma has said, it's safe to assume that she wouldn't have been able to earn enough to pay off the mortgage on the house because Gravity Falls doesn't really have any use for architects.  So the other person who owns the house would need to pay it off.

  I looked at the picture again.  I... look almost exactly like him.  Just with five fingers and Ma's eyes.  I wonder what he was like?  I'll have to ask Ma about it.  I set it aside and rolled onto my side.  I'll ask in the morning. 

The next day

  I sighed while I poured my morning cup of coffee.  I hope Teddy is doing okay.  Stan walked in, looking dead on his feet.  "Coffee?"  I offered.

  "God, yes."  Stan slumped into a dining chair as I brought him a mug.  "Thanks."  He started drinking.

  "How late did you stay up working on the machine?"  I asked as I sat down next to him. 

  He groaned.  "Too late."  He rubbed his eyes under his glasses.  "It's starting to feel hopeless.  We have no idea where all of the journals are and there seems to be no way of guessing how it turn it back on." 

  I sighed.  "We can't give up, Stanley.  Things will fall into place eventually."  Not for another twelve years though.  Teddy came in and poured himself some coffee.  I cleared my throat.  "Good morning Theodore." 

  He yawned.  "Morning Ma."  He sat on the other side of me, taking a long drink of coffee.

  When he put the cup down I could easily see the dark circles under his eyes.  "What time did you go to sleep?"  I asked.

  "I went to bed not long after going into my room.  Couldn't stay asleep though."  He pulled out a notepad.  "So I eventually gave up on trying and wrote down questions I wanted to ask you instead."

  I raised my eyebrows.  "Wow.  I certainly didn't expect that.  Ask away."

  "Firstly, what was my dad like?"

  "Well... when we were kids he was incredibly shy.  Very avid sci-fi reader.  As we grew up, he became more comfortable with himself.  He was very sweet."  Stan snorted at this.  I turned to him.  "What?"

  "That's not the Stanford I knew."  He looked at Teddy.  "He was the smartest kid in school, but was very awkward when it came to people.  Stubborn as hell too.  Don't get me wrong, I love the guy.  But he can seriously hold a grudge." 

  I rolled my eyes.  "You prevented him from going to the best college in the country and you've separated him from his wife and child.  Can you really blame him?" 

  Stan pressed his lips into a thin line before standing up and leaving the room.  I sighed and looked back at Teddy.  "Sorry about that.  It's true that your father had a hard time letting go, but that is because he was very passionate when it came to things he cared about." 

  "I can understand that."  Teddy replied.

  I chuckled.  "You have no idea how much you and him are alike." 

  Teddy smiled and scooted closer.  "Now tell me what kind of adventures you two went on." 

  "Well, our first research expedition was the first day we moved to Gravity Falls..."


  "... and that is why you should never go out into those woods unless you are fully prepared for any sort of situation."  I concluded. 

  Teddy was silent for a moment. "Ma, I have something to confess."

"If you're about to say that you've been going out into the woods, I already knew. I was just waiting for you to tell me. You aren't exactly as sneaky as you think you are." I chuckled as I stood up and motioned for him to follow me to the gift shop.

"Thank god we're closed today." I mumbled as I typed the passcode into the vending machine.

Teddy's eyes widened as the secret passage opened. "Whoa."

I smiled a little before turning serious. "Theodore... please promise me you won't come down here unless either Stan or I are with you, okay?"

He nodded and went down the stairs with me. When we reached the bottom, he gaped at the broken portal. "Is this..."

"Yeah. It is." I gently squeezed his shoulder before steering him away from the glass and to the table that had Ford and I's old gear. I checked everything in his bag to make sure nothing was missing before handing it to my son. "Alright, Teddy Bear. This was your father's gear for when we did field research." Then I picked up Ford's old crossbow. "You'll also need this as well. In case you run into anything dangerous."

"But... I don't know how to use a crossbow." Teddy protested.

"Well, we're about to change that. Let's go outside."

As we closed the secret door, Stan came in and raised an eyebrow. "What's this?"

"Ma's gonna teach me how to shoot a crossbow!" Teddy chirped happily.

"I... can see that. Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Um... sure. Don't start until I show you the basic safety stuff, alright?"

"Alright!" Teddy left the gift shop, leaving just Stan and I.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Owen called."

"Owen? Who's..." Then it clicked. "Wait, Shermie's kid called us?"

"Yep. Wants to meet us."

I frowned. "How did he even get our number?"

He shrugged. "Must've gotten in contact with Elise. She's the only one in the family who knows our phone number."

"When will he be here?"

"In a week."

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