Chapter 18: The Portal (part 2)

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Another three months later
(Sorry about the multiple skips btw)

Today is supposed to be the day that Ford and Fiddleford test the machine. Ford has been so ecstatic for this... it's all going to be downhill from here though.  I rubbed my tummy, feeling Teddy starting to fuss over my anxiety.  "It's okay, honey.  Everything is going to be fine."   Suddenly the basement door slams open and Fiddleford marches out and up the stairs.  "Fid, is everything alright?" I asked as I followed him up. 

  "No, Y/N.  Everything isn't alright."  He started shoving his things into bags.  "Your husband is going to destroy the world because of this stupid obsession with the portal."  He turned to me and grabbed my shoulders.  "I saw it.  I saw the fire, the people..."  He sighed.  "You probably think I'm crazy."

  "I believe you."  I say softly, looking directly into his eyes.  He relaxed a little when he saw how sincere I was. 

  "Y/N, if you know how serious this is you either need to convince Stanford to destroy it or you need to leave town.  And knowing you..."  Fid gave me a sympathetic look.  "You would never abandon him."  He grabbed his bags and we walked down the stairs and he stepped out the front door.  "Make him do the right thing, Y/N." 

  I nod.  "I will do my best."

  He nodded back and walked out towards town.  I sighed as I closed the door. Immediately, I see Ford storming up the stairs. He locked eyes with me and I could see the fury in his eyes. "You knew that all of this was gonna happen and you never said a word." He growled.

"You know that I can't." I crossed my arms. "If I do, I could end up in jail for life or killed."

"McGucket wanted me to destroy the portal! After working so hard on it to not only discover the secrets to Gravity Falls but to also see where you came from-"

Wait what. "Hey wait a minute-"

"It could be one chance to know it all!" He started pacing as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"You were wanting to go to my dimension to see your future?" I raised my voice.

He stopped and turned to me. "Not just that. I just wanted to have the same knowledge as you on everything there is to know. But Y/N." Ford grabbed my arms. "There's voices. Everywhere. They won't go away." His anger crumpled and it looked like he was on the brink of tears. I started to feel bad as he sank to his knees and hugged my waist. "Why won't they go away, Y/N?" Ford started sniffling.

"Fordsie please don't cry..." I felt my eyes water. "This is as hard on me as it is hard on you." Tears escaped me and started landing in his hair. I choked back a sob. "The amount of guilt I feel when these things happen is excruciating. And there's nothing I can do to stop it. I can't even tell anybody about it." My whole body trembled. This is too much.

"Y/N... there has to be a way. We can't stay like this forever."

"You need to confront Bill." I could feel his body turn rigid when I said the demon's name. "Tell him what Fiddleford told you."

"Has he... contacted you? Tried to make a deal with you?" His voice was filled with worry.

"Contacted me? Yes. Extensively. He plagues my dreams constantly. He shows me the possible outcomes if I mess with the timeline. None of which are good. It all ends in so much death."

His expression darkened. "Where do I need to confront him?"

"The basement."

Ford nodded and helped me up before making his descent. I wipe away my tears and sit at the dining table. After what felt like an eternity, he appeared in the doorway. He took a shaky breath. "I got him through. What... do I do next?"

"Now... you need to dismantle the portal as much as possible and hide the journals." I stood up and motioned for him to follow me. He hesitantly followed me back into the basement. I took journal two and three. "I know where these ones go. But number one..." I put my hand on the said book. "Is going to Stanley."

Stan's POV
A few days later

   I took a deep breath.  "You haven't seen your brother in over ten years.  It's okay.  He's family.  He won't bite."  I knocked on the door.  It opened so suddenly that I stumbled back.  In the doorway stood a very disheveled Ford. 

  "Who is it?!  Have you come to steal my eyes?!"  He grabbed a crossbow and aimed it at me.

  After recovering from the initial shock, I scowled.  "Well, I can always count on you for a warm welcome."  He slowly put down his weapon and leaned in close.

  "Stanley, did anyone follow you?  Anyone at all?"  Ford spoke in a low voice.

  I rolled my eyes.  "Eh, hello to you, too, pal."  He suddenly grabbed me and yanked me inside, causing me to yelp in surprise.  He flashed a light in my eyes.  "Hey!"  I pushed Ford off of me.  "What is this?"

  He took a couple steps back, seemingly unfazed by my reaction.  "Sorry, I just had to make sure you weren't... uh.  It's nothing.  Come in, come in."  He turned on his heel and quickly made his way further into the house.  I hesitantly followed him.

  "Uh, you gonna explain what's going on, here? You're acting like Mom after her tenth cup of coffee."  As I entered the room I couldn't help but notice that the house was very clean, unlike Ford's appearance and the table he was standing in front of.  He turned back to me with a book tucked under his arm.

  "Listen, there isn't much time. I've made huge mistakes and I don't know who I can trust anymore other than Y/N."  He glanced at the skeleton hanging next to him and turned it's head away from his face. 

  Y/N was here?  I shook off the thought.  "Hey, uh, easy there."  I put a hand on his shoulder in the most reassuring way possible.  "Let's talk this through, okay?"

  "I have something to show you."  He locked eyes with me.  "Something you won't believe."

  I looked at him skeptically.  "Look, I've been around the world, okay? Whatever it is, I'll understand."  He said nothing in response to this and simply walked to a door and went down it's stairs.  I sighed as I set down my duffel bag.  Well, here goes nothing.


Hey there!  Sorry for the weird stopping point.  It's almost midnight where I am, I have work tomorrow, and the chapter is already over a thousand words.  I'll try to wake up early to get a good portion of the next chapter done.


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