Chapter 3: A Bus Ride

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Your POV
A week after meeting the twins.

  This must be real, there's no way that a dream would have this much detail and would feel this long.  I sighed as I put on the clothes that were laying out for me.  I mean, I have no idea how the foster care system worked in the 60's, how would my brain make this up? 

  "Y/N!  Are you done getting dressed?  I have breakfast ready for you!" 

  Speaking of...  "Coming, Ms. Sanderson!"  I rushed out of my temporary bedroom and into the kitchen. 

  The ginger gasped softly.  "My dear Y/N, you look so cute in that dress!"  She ushered me into a seat at the dining table.  "Have some food.  We don't want you being hungry on your first day of school now, do we?" She smiled warmly.

"Thank you Ms. Sanderson." I smiled back before I started eating.

She chuckled. "Call me Elise, dear. Ms. Sanderson makes me sound like an old maid." She took my plate as soon as I was done eating. "Let's go, we can't have you being late!" Elise took my hand and we left for the bus stop.


  As I climbed the school bus, it fully sank in that I was actually going to school again.  From what I'm aware, school was actually easier in the 20th century than the 21st century though so hopefully it won't be too difficult.  I sat by myself towards the back.  I fiddled with the necklace as I watched the buildings go by.  The bus stopped once more by the Pines Pawn Shop. 

  Stan and Ford stumbled up onto the bus and they seemed to scan the seats until they saw me.  "Hey Y/N!"  Stan waved enthusiastically and dragged Ford over to where I was sitting. He then sat by the window and Ford sat on the other side of me. "It's about time you started, Stanford has been pestering the school secretary every day about when you'd be here!"

Ford blushed.  "You were asking about Y/N too, Stanley!"  He retorted.

  "Can it, Poindexter."  Stan grumbled as he turned toward the window to hide his pink cheeks.

I smirked a little. "It's nice to know that you guys see me as a friend already."

"Why wouldn't we?  You tried to defend us from Crampelter, no one has done that before."  Ford said with a shy smile. 

"Heh. Fair enough."

Stan stood up. "We're here!"

Ford and I stood up as well. "Would you like us to show you around?"  He asked. 

  I grinned.  "Would love that, Stanford." 


  We received a lot of strange looks as we walked around the school.  Probably because I was new and the unpopular twins were the ones that were giving me the tour.  They didn't seem to notice though.  We turned out to have most of our classes together, and it stayed that way all throughout middle school.

  I eventually got adopted by Elise, I hung out with the twins almost every day.  Things remained fairly uneventful, at least by the show's standards.  That is, until senior year in high school.

I'm so sorry. This feels like a very short and crappy chapter, especially for how long it took to actually post it. I had no idea what to write for their middle school years. BUT I have more fleshed out ideas for their high school and college years. Feel free to leave comments of any ideas that you think would fit into the story or how I can improve on it, as this is my first time actually publishing anything I've written and I'm afraid of getting writer's block again.


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