Chapter 4: Prom (part 1)

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Ford's POV
(betcha didn't think I'd change it didja?):
Senior Year of High School

  "One-paddle-paddle-paddle, two-paddle-paddle..."  Stanley was goofing off as usual while I was finishing up the last of my homework.

  I had to admit, I was rather distracted today.  Normally I was able to finish homework in class, but I had something on my mind.  "Stanley, can you put the paddle ball away?  There's something we need to talk about." 

  Stan frowned and put the paddle down.  "Sure bro.  What's up?"  He asked as he picked up his Pitt Cola and started to drink.

  "I... want to ask Y/N to go to Senior Prom with me."  I felt my face heat up as I rub the back of my neck.

  Stanley spewed his drink and coughed.  "W-what?"  He sputtered.

  "I want to take Y/N to Prom.  As my date."

  "What makes you think that it's a good idea to ask our only friend to Prom?  And what about me?  I'll be alone or worse, a third wheel!"  Stanley demanded as he stood up, suddenly getting angry.

I frowned. "Aren't you seeing Carla McCorkle?"

Stanley crossed his arms and looked away.  "She broke up with me for some damn tree hugger."  He gritted his teeth.  "That's not the point though.  The point is that if Y/N says no or if something goes bad during Prom, we'll lose our only friend!" 

  I sigh and cover my face with my hands.  "You think I don't know the risk, Stanley? I just... can't stop thinking about her."

Stanley sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "Look... Prom is a good chance to meet other girls. We can all go together as friends, but please don't ask Y/N out. For both our sakes."

"...very well."

Stan's POV:

I felt my body relax when Stanford promised to not ask Y/N out. Well, there goes my plans of asking her to Prom with me. I sit back down and go back to playing with the paddle ball. This complicates things a bit. If we both like her, that means neither of us will get to have her.

"Oh Stanley, I invited Y/N to walk on the beach earlier today. I was planning on going just her and I but... you know. You should probably come with us." Stanford pulled me out of my thoughts.

That little shyster was going ask her today? Good thing he talked to me first. "Yeah I'll come with." I stand back up and stretch. "When will she be here?"

We hear a knock on the door.

  "Right now, apparently."

Your POV:

I open the door a little bit and stuck my head inside.  "Hey guys!  You ready?"  I grin at them.

  Ford seems to light up.  "Yes, we are!" 

  "Great!  Let's get going."  I swung the door open.  As we were walking out of the Pawn Shop, I could feel tension between the boys.  "Is everything okay?" 

  "Oh everything is fine, don't worry."  Ford gave me a reassuring smile and gently squeezed my shoulder. 

  I caught a glimpse of Stan frowning on the other side of me before he turned cheerful.  "We're with you, everything is more than okay!"  He wrapped his arm around me.  They are definitely hiding something from me. 

  Before I knew it, we were already at the boardwalk.  We talked about school, TV shows, the Stan O' War, and anything else that came to mind.  Which isn't uncommon, we have these kinds of walks all the time.  Something about today's walk feels... off... though.  Suddenly, Ford took ahold of my hand and stopped in front of me.  I immediately felt my face heat up.

  "Y/N, we wanted to ask you something."  Ford started. 

  "Um.  Okay?"

  Stan removed his arm from around my shoulders and Ford stopped holding my hand.  "We were kind of hoping that you'd go to Prom with us?"  Stan said with a cheeky grin.

  "A-as friends, of course!"  Ford stammered as he started to blush. 

  I stood there for a few seconds, speechless.  I mean, I figured they'd ask but for it to actually happen is a whole different thing.   "Of course I'll go with you guys!  Who else would I go with?"

  The twins grinned and hugged me tightly. "Looks like we got some planning to do!" Ford said happily as they pulled away.

Two weeks later

"Elise, I don't know what I'm going to do! There's only two stores in Glass Shard Beach that is selling Prom dresses, and this is the second shop!" I anxiously looked through all the dresses in my size, but none of them seemed to suit my style.

"Hold on. I think I found something!"

(A/N: This is the closest modern dress that even remotely resembles a 70's Prom dress

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(A/N: This is the closest modern dress that even remotely resembles a 70's Prom dress. I find original 70's Prom dresses to be ghastly. Pretend it's your favorite color!)

I gasped. "Elise, I love it!" I took it carefully and rushed to the fitting room to try it on. "It fits perfectly!" I came out and twirled for her.

"It looks breathtaking on you, my dear. Now go take it off so I can pay for it."

  As Elise was paying for the dress, I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen on Prom night.  Will the boys ask me to dance?  Will Ford try to make a move on me?  I hope he does... whatever happens though, it'll certainly be a night to remember.

I know it's only been a day since I last posted but I am too excited for what I have planned! I'm seriously writing any chance I get when I'm at work and at home, (thank god my managers at both jobs are relaxed people). Anyway! Things are gonna start picking up from here, so get ready!


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