Chapter 8: The Science Project (part 2)

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A week after winning the science fair.

"Y/N L/N and Pines twins to the principal's office. Y/N L/N and Pines twins to the principal's office." The school secretary's voice rung out of the PA system.

Oh god it's happening.

Stan groaned and turned to us. "Ah great. What is it this time?" We all got up and made our way to the front of the school.

Oh god, this is it. Tonight we'll find out if the machine will break or not.

  As we approached the office, the secretary stopped us.  "Not you.  Him."  She pointed to Ford.

Stan harrumphed as he sat down on one of the chairs next to the principal's room. Ford and I walked into the office to find his parents and Elise waiting for us with the principal. We both sat down next to our guardians.

"Now Mr. Pines. Ms. Sanderson. I'd like to speak with you two very frankly, if I may." He addressed them.

  "Very frankly is the only way I speak."  Filbrick said in his usual gruff voice.

  Elise shifted in her seat.  "Of course you may, Mr. Meyer.  What is the problem?"

  He smiled.  "No problem at all, Ms. Sanderson.  There are three collective children in your families: two of them are incredibly gifted, the other is standing outside this room and his name is Stanley."  Ford seemed to look uncomfortable with the way the principal talked about Stan.

  Caryn raised an eyebrow.  "What are you saying?"

  Mr. Meyer stood up.  " I'm saying Stanford and Y/N are GENIUSES!"  He waved his arms expressively before reaching into his shirt.  "All of their teachers are going bananas for their science fair project!"  The principal handed Ford and I the pamphlets he just took out.  "You ever hear of West Coast Tech?  Best college in the country."  The Pines family looked over Ford's paper while Elise and I looked at mine.  "Their graduates turn science fiction into science fact!  The admissions team is visiting tomorrow to check out Stanford and Y/N's experiment."  Ford turned starry eyed as he looked at me and grinned.  I grinned back as best as I could, but I couldn't help but feel uneasy.  "Your children may be future millionaires!"  Ford's parents looked shocked.

  Filbrick then smiled, which in of itself was an incredible feat.  "I'm impressed." 

  Caryn, however, looked concerned.  "What about our little free spirit, Stanley?"  My heart ached at those words, knowing full well that Stan was listening in to the conversation.

  The principal scoffed.  "That clown?  At this rate, he'll be lucky to graduate high school.  Look, there's a saltwater taffy store on the dock and somebody's gotta get paid to scrape the barnacles off of it."

  I glanced sadly at the door.  This scene always made me feel bad when watching it, but actually experiencing it... it makes me want to cry.

  "Stanford is going places, but hey.  Look on the bright side.  At least you'll have one son in New Jersey forever."  Mr. Meyer continued, as if there was nothing offensive in anything that he said.


  Stan and Ford sat on the swings on the beach as I sat on the sand next to them.  Stan chuckled.  "Joke's on them if they think you two wanna go to some stuffy college on the other side of the country.  Once we get the Stan O' War complete, it's gonna be beaches and international treasure hunting for all of us!"  He grinned at us, seeming confident that we would agree with him.  Though I did find it odd that he left out the "babes" in his little monologue.

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