Chapter 26: The Truth

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Six years later

I sat up in bed and stretched. Today is the day... I really hope he won't be mad at us.  I shook Stan awake.  "Get up." 

  "Wha?"  He rubbed his eyes.  "Why'd you wake me up?"

  "It's Teddy's birthday."  I got up and put on my casual clothes.  "We're telling him today."

  That woke him up.  "Oh shit, that's right."  He practically leaped out of bed and quickly got changed. 

  We went downstairs and I started getting breakfast ready.  "I'm thinking we should tell him once we get home from dinner so that it doesn't end up ruining the entire day." 

  Stan nodded as he opened up the paper and started to read.  Not too long later Teddy came into the kitchen, still in pajamas. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Happy birthday Teddy Bear." I walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks, Ma." He hugged me back.

I let him go and held his face. "Eighteen years old... I can't believe it. You've grown up so fast."

"Ma..." Teddy blushed with embarrassment.

"Leave the kid alone, Y/N." Stan turned to him. "Happy birthday, grizzly bear." He gave Teddy a small smile before going back to the newspaper.

Teddy chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks, Dad."

Stan and I exchanged a quick glance before I clapped my hands. "Alright! Who wants breakfast?"

Teddy's POV

"So Teddy Bear..." Ma said as we sat down at my favorite restaurant. "Have you thought about what college you want to attend? You're certainly smart enough to go wherever you choose."

I hesitated. What I want to do would come as a complete surprise to them, and they'd undoubtedly ask why. I can't really tell them that I started exploring the woods last week and met fascinating creatures that I want to learn more about and how to take care of them.  Ma would kill me if she knew I broke one of the only rules she set for me.  "I haven't decided yet." 

  She narrowed her eyes.  Shit.  I hate how easily she can see when I'm lying.  She chose not to say anything and took a sip of water.  I looked at my dad, but he didn't seem to care either way. 

  As dinner went on, I couldn't help but think back to my first night in the woods.  I went a lot further in than I meant to, I'm extremely lucky I didn't run into anything dangerous.  The oddest thing I ran into in there was a really small white rabbit.  Most white rabbits don't survive in wooded areas because they're incapable of camouflage...  It was strangely friendly though.  I snapped out of my thoughts when Dad nudged me.  "Time to go, kiddo." 

  The car ride home was strangely quiet, and there was a tension in the air.  "Umm... Ma?"

  "Yes, Teddy Bear?"

  "Is something going on?"

  She sighed.  "We will talk about it when we're inside."

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