Chapter 35: Engagement

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Seven years later

"Ma, I'm nervous."  Teddy said as he readjusted his glasses.  "What if she says no?" 

  "Teddy Bear, you two have been dating longer than I dated your father.  Then again, we were in love with each other long before college." I chuckled. "If she's stuck around for this long I have no doubt that she will say yes.  Plus I think her parents are getting tired of waiting for their oldest offspring to have kids." 

  He turned bright red.  "Ma..." 

  I grinned. "I wouldn't mind having some grandkids either-"


  I laughed at his embarrassment.  "Teddy Bear, you know I'm messing with you right?" 

  "I think I'm just gonna go now."  He went for the door but I stopped him.

  "Good luck honey."  I hugged him and then kissed his cheek.

  "...Thanks Ma."


After a couple hours Teddy came back with Winter, both of them were grinning from ear to ear. I immediately stood up and hugged the pair. "I'm so happy for you two!" I chirped.

"Thank you Mrs. Pines." Winter gave me a close eyed smile when I let go of them.

"You can call me mom now, if you're comfortable with that."

"Oh! Umm. Thank you... mom." She said in slight embarrassment.

Stan walked in and looked at everyone, frowning. "What's going on here?"

"Teddy and Winter just got engaged."

"Wait, since when was this a thing?"

I sighed and shook my head. "Stanley, Teddy was planning this for the past two months. We've told you multiple times."

His eyebrows rose. "Really?" He scratched the back of his head. "I really should remember to turn on my hearing aid more often." Stan mumbled.

I laughed. "I'll try to remind you." I turned my attention to the couple. "So when would you two like to start planning?"

Six months later

"Wow. That was actually really fun, despite no alcohol being involved and most of the people there was Winter's immediate family. All eleven of them." Stan said as we got back to the Shack.

I chuckled. "Well two of her sisters were the only bridesmaids, and the flower girl and ring bearer were her youngest siblings as well." As I started to take off my earrings, the phone started to ring. "I'll get that." I picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Hey aunt Y/N."

"Oh hi Owen! How are you?"

"I am doing well, please tell Ted again that I feel really bad for not being able to make it."

"Of course I will, I can understand that after your promotion that it can be hard to find time off."

"Yeah, it's really a pain. It makes it hard to spend time with Dipper and Mabel. Speaking of them, I have a big favor to ask of you. Can you take them in for the summer? Theresa and I have been talking and we both think that it would be good for them to actually get out of the house and have some fresh air. Plus we wouldn't have to worry about them getting into trouble while she and I are working."

Oh my God, this is it. "I would love to have them here! We haven't even seen them since they were babies, so it would be nice to establish a relationship with them."

Stan pokes his head into the room and raised an eyebrow. "We're doing what now?"

I shushed him. "You can go ahead and purchase the bus tickets for them. You can count on us to make this the most memorable summer that they'll ever have!"

Owen sighed with relief. "Thank you so much, Y/N. You have no idea how much weight that takes off of my shoulders." He paused. "I should warn you though, Mabel can be very... loud. So please don't be surprised if she immediately starts yelling and screaming with excitement when she gets there."

"That is no trouble at all. It'll be nice to have that kind of energy around here."

"That's honestly great to hear. Hopefully you won't get tired of it by the end of summer."

I laughed. "I doubt it."

"I better tell Theresa and the kids the good news. Talk to you later!"

"Bye Owen!" I hung up and turned to Stan. "Dipper and Mabel are staying here for the summer."

"WHAT? Y/N, please tell me you're joking. We don't have the energy to keep up with eight year olds!"

I sighed. "Stan... they are 12."

"...oh. Are we really that old?"

"Unfortunately, yes. But those kids are awesome and you don't have to pretend to be father. You get to be fun great uncle Stan. Plus..." I grinned, knowing my final argument will win him over. "It means more workers at the Mystery Shack for the summer. And since they're kids and family you won't have to pay them any wages."

He rubbed his chin in thought. "Huh. Those are some good points." He smiled. "Alright, I'm in."


Alright I know the first of the chapter wasn't too great but this is where we transfer over to the show.  Hope you all are excited, cause I know I am!


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