Chapter 12: The Grant

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Three years later
(Quick A/N: it normally takes six years to earn a PhD)

  I let out a shaky breath.  This is it. Ford and I made it. We managed to graduate early and still somehow found a way to go on dates. I put my shirts into the box marked as 'clothes'. I heard someone knock at the door. "Come in!"

Ford came in with a giant smile on his face. "Y/N, guess what?" He looked nearly as giddy as when we had our first kiss.

"Do you want me to guess or are you wanting to tell me?"

He thought for a moment. "You already know, don't you?" He shook his head in amusement. "I sometimes forget that you know some things that come as a surprise to me."

I hugged him. "Congratulations on the grant, my love." I leaned in to peck him on the lips, but he swiftly enveloped me in his arms before kissing me passionately. I gasped. The most we've done is pecks on the lips and holding hands, so this came as a complete surprise. "Stanford!" I said in a scolding tone when we broke the kiss, blushing madly.

He chuckled when he saw my expression. "Sorry, Y/N. I'm just so happy, I feel like I could do anything right now." He smirked a little. "And we aren't exactly breaking any rules. We're no longer students."

I swat his arm in a playful manner and grinned before I turned back to pack my boxes. "Even so, a respectable man such as yourself should be an example to others, Dr. Pines." I snickered.

"Please don't call me that."

I chuckled as I taped up the box.  "Have you finished packing?  It's a long journey to Oregon." 

  He wrapped his arms around me from behind and nuzzled my neck.  "So you know about that too...  Yes, everything is packed.  Are you... planning to come with me?"  He asked, his voice sounding hopeful. 

  "Of course, Fordsie.  I'd love nothing more than to live in Gravity Falls with you." 

  I felt him smile.  "Thank you."  He slowly let go of me and started to help me pack.  "So, I was thinking that we could spend a week in Glass Shard Beach before we make our way across the country.  To visit our families." 

  "That sounds like a great idea."  I taped up the last box.  "When are we leaving?"

  "I was thinking we could leave tomorrow morning, I already have a hotel room booked for us.  I also thought that tonight we could go stargazing at the park."  He took both of my hands in his.  "Does that sound good?"

  I smiled and kissed him softly.  "Sounds perfect, Fordsie." 


Ford's POV
(Been a while since I've done this, eh?)

  I exhaled shakily.  I triple checked to make sure all of the food and drinks were there.  I started pacing and ran my fingers through my hair. 

  "Chill out, Stanford. You're starting to make ME nervous." Fiddleford said, crossing his arms.

I turned towards him. "What if this isn't enough?  Should I get more things?  I should get more things."  I started to rush for the door, but Fiddleford grabbed my shoulders before I could reach the knob.  "Ford, you've gotta relax.  Y/N will love it.  You know she isn't into extravagant things.  As long as you speak from here," he poked my chest, "and not from there," he poked my forehead, "she will be happy." 

  I sighed.  Fiddleford was definitely someone I trusted, but my nerves couldn't completely go away.  "Thanks, McGucket." 

  He patted my back.  "Anytime, my friend.  Lauren and Y/N will be here any minute, so let's get this stuff into your car."



As we drove to our destination, I feel Ford's tenseness. "Fordsie, are you okay? You're sweating." I gently touched his shoulder. He jumped slightly from the contact.

"I am great. Never better." He flashed me a smile, but his eyes held a whirlpool of emotion that hit me like a ton of bricks. Adoration, love, excitement, and anxiety. We stopped and he turned to me. "Put this on." He held out a piece of cloth.

"Why do you want me to put on a blindfold?"

"Please just do it." He gave me puppy eyes. Damn this man is too cute.

"Alright alright." I tied the blindfold and waiting patiently. I heard him open the trunk and starting to take things out. Sounds like a lot for just stargazing.

After a couple minutes the trunk was slammed shut and my car door opened. I felt him take my hands. "Okay, let's get you out of there." I ducked out the car and led me a bit to the side to shut the door. Then he took my hand and led me up what felt like a small hill. We stopped once the ground began to flatten. He let go of my hand and went behind me to take off the annoying piece of cloth.

I gasped softly. He had laid out a large blanket and plates of food from our favorite restaurant on it. "Stanford, this is amazing. I didn't even know they did takeout."

"They don't. I pulled a few strings though." He winked before squeezing my hand gently. We sat next to each other and started eating.

He would bring up good memories from our past, both before and after we started dating and I would laugh or smile and add to the memories. After we ate the meal, things got quiet. Suddenly he moved in front of me and took both my hands. "Y/N... we've been dating for three years but I've been in love with you since high school. I really can't imagine life without you, even though it may exist in some other dimension. We've just had so many different adventures together, and I want to spend the rest of my life on those adventures. So Y/N L/N..." he got on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Will you marry me?"

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"Will you marry me?"

My jaw dropped as I felt tears of joy brimming in the corners of my eyes. "Of course I will, Fordsie."


Wowie! It finally happened! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you all in the next one!


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