Chapter 7: The Science Project (part 1)

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  "Alright, so what kind of  project are you thinking about doing?"  I asked as I got my pencil and paper ready. In the back of my mind I already knew what we were making, but I can't let Ford know that. Who knows. Maybe with me working on the project with him will cause nothing to break... Then I recalled the episode "The Time Traveler's Pig". Oh god. What if I screw up the entire story just by being his science partner? I can't really back out of being his partner now though.  If I'm lucky, the project will still break and nothing will drastically change how the story is supposed to go.  Wait... am I technically an anomaly or am I now canonically part of this dimension? If I am an anomaly, why haven't the Time Anomaly Removal Crew taken me into custody?

"Um... Y/N?" Ford looked at me in concern. "Are you okay?  You were kind of zoning out there."

I gave him a fake smile. "Yeah, I just got lost in thought." Please buy it please buy it please buy it.

He looked at me skeptically. "Y/N..." He took my hand. "You know you can trust me if something is troubling you, right?" 

  I blushed.  "Of course I know that, Fordsie.  If I needed to tell you something, I would."  I'll have to tell him eventually, but right now doesn't feel like the right time.

"Good... good." He smiled in relief.


"Yes Y/N?"

"You're still holding my hand."

"Oh!" Ford turned red and quickly let go. "I'm so sorry about that!"

I laughed. "It's okay Fordsie, I just need to write out your ideas."

He cleared his throat. "Well... uhh... I was saying before that I already have the majority of the math and science done. I just need help actually designing it." He showed me his notes and I was astounded. From what I was aware of, nothing even in my old dimension had any electronics that could go on forever without it being powered by the sun.

"This is... incredible." I said softly as I rifled through his papers. I turned to him with a smile. "You truly are a genius, Stanford."

He blushed. "I know that neither of us are quite the best at actually making machinery... but I figured if you could design it and we built it together, we could make this work."

"Oh definitely." I started sketching out the basic design of the outside of the project, and then applied his notes to sketch out what the inside should look like. "Did I apply everything correctly?" I handed him the paper.

He scanned his eyes over my sketch, and double checking his research. "This is perfect!" He grinned. "It would've taken me a while to figure out what it should look like. Thank you!" He looked like we was about ready to hug me when Stan suddenly walked into their bedroom. "W-what are you doing in here, Stanley? I told you I was working on the project today!" Ford said irritably.

"Relax, Poindexter. Am I not allowed to go into my own room? Sheesh." He flopped onto his bed. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room. "So... how's it going?"

"I just finished sketching out what we're gonna to make. Wanna look at it?" I waved the paper a little.

"Uhh. Sure." I handed him my sketch. He looked at it for a couple of seconds and furrowed his brows. "There is nothing about this I understand."

  Ford snatched the paper from Stan's hands.  "Y/N and I are going down to the pawn shop to look for some scraps to build the machine."  Ford took my hand and led me out of the room rather abruptly.

  "What was that all about, Stanford?"  I questioned as I let go of his hand and walked down the stairs with him.

  "I'm sorry about that, Y/N."  He sighed.  "Stanley has been getting on my nerves lately."

  "Any particular reason why?"

  "He keeps bugging me while I'm working on this project.  Makes it hard to think, you know?" 

  He's not telling me everything.  "I understand that."  I replied. 

  When we got to the shop, I put my hands on my hips.  "Is your dad really okay with us using things from his shop?"  I said as I examined the items cluttering the floor. 

  "As long as it's junk, yeah."  He started looking through one of the piles in one of the corners of the room.  "We can take apart things too if we only need certain pieces."

"Sounds good." I began picking out some things. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a composition notebook labeled "Stanford Pines". I picked it up. "Oh Fordsie, look at what I found." I said in a singsong voice.

He turned around and blushed furiously when he saw what was in my hand. "How did that get down here? Give it back!" He hurried across the room to take it but I quickly made my way to where he originally was.

"Can I read it?"

"NO!" He said in a panicky voice. "Please just give it back to me!"

"Okay okay." I walked back to him and handed the notebook over. "Here you go."

"Thank you." He sighed in relief.

Ford's POV

Thank god she didn't open it.  Y/N looked at the clock on the far wall and sighed.  "I should get going."  She grabbed her backpack that was stashed behind the counter.  "We can start building our project tomorrow." 

  "Would you like me to walk you home?"  I offered.

  She chuckled.  "It's alright, Fordsie.  It's still a bit light outside.  I'll make it before dark.  See you at school!"  Y/N waved as she closed the door behind her.

I trudged myself up the stairs with the scrap metal and the notebook in my arms. I made my way into my bedroom and set the pieces onto my desk. I collapsed onto my bed, notebook in hand. I flipped it open and leafed through the pages. They were filled with Y/N. Her quirks, her habits, memories together, small sketches of her. I grabbed a pencil and started drawing.  When I was done, I smiled.  It was of her sitting at my desk, designing our project.  I put on my pajamas and curled up under my blankets, hugging my book tightly against my chest.  If she doesn't like me, at least I'll have this to remember her by.


Hello peeps! I finally finished this chapter! Next chapter should come out a lot faster, as it will actually have a lot of the script from the actual show. As always, comments are always appreciated!


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