Chapter 23: The Accident

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July 4th, 1982

I looked at the calendar in Ford's old study on the ground floor. A large red circle was around today. I heard someone come up behind me. "Where's Teddy?" Stan asked.

"He's down for a nap." I replied. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder. "So today's the day, huh?"

"Yeah. We can't take the risk of anyone else finding out that I'm not actually Stanford. I probably should've done this sooner, but between running the Murder Hut, trying to fix the portal, and helping with Teddy... it's been hard to find the time."

I nodded. "Honestly, today is a good day to do it.  By the time we get to the highway it'll be dark and no one else will be on the roads." 

  "I hate that you have to be involved in this." He sighed. "But I can't exactly walk all the way back here."

"It's no trouble, Stan. I'll be far enough away so that Teddy won't hear but close enough to for you to find me." I smiled reassuringly.

Stan smiled back. "What'd I do to deserve someone like you in my life?"

"Everyone deserves a good friend."



I tapped the wheel of the car I bought under Ford and I's name a bit impatiently. I know he has to be thorough to make sure they identify his car, spread out the blood to identify that he was here, and that his shoe prints lead into the woods to where it can't be traced after a certain point, but I don't want anyone to drive by and see me parked close to the "accident". I really don't want to use the extra memory gun Fiddleford left behind again. Using it on those Red Cross nurses bothered me a lot...

Suddenly the passenger car door opened and Stan sat down before shutting the door as quietly as possible. He turned to look at Teddy. "Damn that kid can really sleep when he wants to." He looked at me. "It's done."

I sighed in relief. "Good. Let's get out of here." I started driving my way back to the house. "You wore the gloves when you cut the brakes, right?"

Out of my peripheral vision I could see him nodding. "Y'know, it concerns me how much detail you put into that plan of yours. How did you get the pint of my blood so easily, anyway?
I doubt that they just gave it to you."

That's exactly what happened. "Stan, believe me when I say that it's something you shouldn't know. Why does it matter anyway? We got what we needed, plus we got a bit of money out of it too."

"Did you do some sciencey nerd thing on them?"

"...of sorts."

He remained quiet for the remainder of the drive home. Once we got there, he turned to me. "Are you sure that what we did was convincing enough?"

"I think so. I mean... the authorities around here are not exactly the brightest bunch. And with the amount of evidence we left, any amateur detective would think you're dead.  Possibly would suspect foul play with the brakes being cut and your footprints disappearing in the middle of the forest, but they'd never consider that you're faking your death." 

  "Any smart person would think so, I was caught up in a LOT of debt." 

  "Like I said, these people are stupid."

He thought for a moment. "Yeah you're right. They are pretty stupid."

I snickered a bit before recomposing myself. "Let's head back inside before Teddy wakes up."

Three days later

"Hey Stan, the morning newspaper is here. You might wanna see this." I called for him as I held Teddy.

He took the newspaper. "They identified the car and suspect foul play." He looked back up at me. "Just like you said."

I grinned. "You gotta put more faith in me, my friend."

"I'd hug ya, but I don't wanna upset the little bear cub."

I chuckled. "Stan, you may act tough but you're just a big softie."

He crossed his arms turned his head away, but I could see him blush anyway. "Shut up."

I stick my tongue out at him. "Make me." At that moment I realized how that sounded. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in THAT way."

His eyes widened as his blush got darker. "Y-you're fine." He rubbed the back of his neck as he quickly turned around to open the shop.

I'm not sure when I'll get used to Stan getting flustered around me, but I don't think it'll be anytime soon. I sighed as I made my way to Teddy's nursery. I'm just so used to bantering with Ford that it's hard to stop myself. I felt my breath hitch as soon as I thought of Ford. I quickened my pace and hurriedly shut the door behind me. I gently laid Teddy into his crib and sat in the cushy chair next to it. I covered my mouth with my hands as tears spilled out of my eyes. It took all of my willpower to not sob. It's only been six months since Ford disappeared... I still have to wait thirty years to see him again.  God, I didn't expect to react this badly to it.  Is it ever going to get easier?  I turned my head to see Teddy, peacefully asleep.  I couldn't help but smile a little.  At least a piece of him is still with me.  I wiped my eyes before standing up to turn on the baby monitor.  I took it's match and quietly left the room.  I pressed my back to the door.  Even if Teddy ends up being easy to raise, it's going to be very difficult to keep such a big thing from him.  I sighed.  After he graduates high school, I'll tell him about his actual father.  I just hope he won't hate me for lying to him.

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