Chapter 11: Confessions

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Three months later

I slumped into the chair next to Ford's at the library.  "Uuuggghhh." 

  "Fun day of classes?"  He asked without looking up from his homework. 

  I rubbed my eyes.  "I'm so glad it's almost the end of the trimester.  It's hard trying to keep up with your pace." 

  He put down his pencil and turned towards me.  "I can slow down if you'd like.  I don't have to graduate early." 

  "Fordsie, I couldn't ask you to do that-"

  "Y/N."  He looked at me with a gentle yet serious expression.  "I can't imagine leaving you here.  In fact, I can't imagine leaving you anywhere.  I... just don't want to push you past your limits.  I love you too much to let you burn yourself out."  His eyes widened and his face turned bright red when he realized what he said.  "Oh sweet Moses.  Please pretend I didn't say that."  Ford hid his face in his hands with embarrassment. 

  I stared at him, mouth agape.  It took me a few seconds to find any words.  "Stanford... I feel the same way as you."  I felt my face heat up. 

  He looked up and I saw surprise written on his face.  "You... you do?" 

  "I do, but... I need to tell you something.  Something I was never really sure how to tell you without you thinking that I'm crazy.  You might still think that I'm crazy when I tell you." 

  Ford frowned a little.  "Y/N, I doubt that I'll think that of you."

  I took a deep breath.  "I... am not from this dimension."

  "You're... what?" 

  " I'm not from this dimension.  I am from an alternate universe where it's 2021 and you aren't even real.  You and everyone else are from my favorite TV show.  I got transported here by this necklace," I pointed at the eye pendant resting between my clavicles, "which apparently has some sort of curse on it.  The night I got the necklace I ended up waking up on Glass Shard Beach as a twelve year old girl."  I avoided his gaze, knowing he must've been staring at me like I was a freak. 

  "Y/N."  I heard him speak softly.  I hesitantly looked at him.  I couldn't read his expression.  We sat in silence for a few minutes.  "Did... did you know that Stanley was going to break the science experiment?"  He barely whispered. 

  I sighed.  "Honestly... in the show it does happen.  I wasn't sure if it would still happen with me being here and working as your partner because you did it alone when I didn't exist in this universe."  I looked at him sadly.  "If things did happen differently though, there's a good chance that I would've been taken into custody by an organization called the Time Anomaly Removal Crew.  If I change any events that happen in the show, I could be taken away.  I am most likely considered an anomaly, so I'm really not sure how they haven't discovered me yet." 

Ford frowned.  "What would happen if you were taken into custody?" 

  I thought for a moment.  "I... am not sure.  Be locked up in time jail?  Even they can't travel between dimensions.  Only through time."  I paused.  "Wait... do you believe me now?"

  "This is... a lot to take in.  Can you... somehow prove to me what you're saying is true?" 

  I glanced at my watch.  It's 4:00.  Stan is supposed to call in about half an hour so we can catch up.  I wonder.... I straightened in my seat.  "As a matter of fact, I can.  Let's go to the phone.  Someone is going to call in thirty minutes.  When you pick up, the line is going to be silent for about ten seconds before they hang up."  I helped Ford gather his stuff and rushed to the dorm building to drop it off at his room.  I took his hand and led him to dorm lobby, where there was a wall phone. 

  The phone began to ring.  Ford looked at me uneasily.  I nodded in encouragement.  He picked up the receiver.  "Hello, this is Stanford Pines."  He pause for a few seconds.  "Hello?"  The line went dead.  Ford set the phone back in place and turned to me. 


  "You were right.  It was about ten seconds."  He started pacing as he ran his fingers through his hair and chuckled in disbelief.  "This is incredible." 

  "You... aren't mad at me for keeping this a secret?"  I asked hesitantly.

He stopped pacing and looked at me. "Like you said earlier, I probably would've thought that you were crazy before now." Ford gave me a small smile. "Still feels a little crazy even though I know that what you said is true."

Tears of relief started to brim in my eyes. "Thank you so much, Fordsie." I hugged him tightly as I sniffled. "I was so worried that you wouldn't want anything to do with me after hiding something so big." 

  He stroked my hair as he embraced me back.  "I'll never stop wanting to be with you, Y/N."  I could hear his heartbeat going as fast as mine.  I pulled away to look up at him.  As we locked eyes, I felt the same feeling as I did at prom.  That spark which makes me want to kiss him so desperately.  From how he was now looking my lips, I could tell he was feeling the same way. 

  I stepped further back and took hold of both of his hands.  "So... wanna grab some coffee?"  I asked, blushing immensely. 

  He blushed just as much as me.  "I'd love to." 


Well there you go kiddos!  Sorry it took so long to finish this and for the somewhat abrupt ending to the chapter, a lotta stuff has been happening lately for me.  I'll try to be better at getting stuff up sooner. 


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