Chapter 39: A Tale of Two Stans

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  Stan held out his arms and walked over, as if expecting a hug.  "Finally, after all these years.  Brother!"

  Ford, with a furious expression on his face, punched him square in the jaw. 

  "OW!  What the heck was that for?!"  Stan demanded, cradling his cheek. 

  My husband pointed at his brother angrily.  "This was an insanely risky move: restarting the portal!  Didn't you read my warnings?!"  He shouted. 

  My best friend waved his hand dismissively.  "Pssh.  Warnings, shmarnings.  How about maybe a 'thanks' for saving you from what appears to be... I don't know, some kind of sci-fi sideburn dimension?" 

  Stanford clenched his fists.  "Thank you?  You really think I'm going to thank you for what you did THIRTY YEARS AGO?!"

  Stanley scowled.  "What I did?!  Why, you ungrateful..."  He tried to swing at Ford, but Ford easily dodged him and pulled his hands behind his back.  "Don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're family."  Ford pushed Stan onto the ground, effectively pinning him.  "Ah!"

  "Okay, I've had enough of this."  I muttered before I marched over to the brothers and crossed my arms.  "Get off of him this instant." 

  Ford looked up, apparently shocked to hear my voice and immediately let go of Stan.  "Y-Y/N?"  His attitude did a one-eighty as he stood up and approached me slowly as if he was expecting me to disappear.  As he got closer, I could feel my heart hammering harder than ever.  His hand cupped my face as he searched my eyes.  "Is it really you?"  He said softly.

  I felt his cold wedding ring on my cheek and I felt warm tears of happiness stream down my face.  "It's me, Fordsie."  I whispered. 

  He hugged me tightly and I immediately hugged back.  "Oh God I missed this."  He loosened his grip on me but still kept his arms around and rested his forehead against mine.  "I missed you."

  "Oh come on.  You punched me in the face and then you give Y/N a hug?  That is so unfair.  She helped rebuild the portal too, you know!"

  "It's different because she's my-"

  Mabel waved her hand and cut in.  "Hey.  Hi.  Mabel here.  Quick question: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" 

  Ford let go of me, much to my disappointment, and frowned as he looked between the kids, his brother and me.  "Stan, you didn't tell me there were children down here."  He said coolly.  He then focused his attention on Soos.  "And some sort of large, hairless gopher?"  Ford said questioningly.

  "Hehe, I get that a lot."

  Stan crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.  "They're your family, Poindexter.  Shermie's grandkids." 

  Ford visibly relaxed and his expression softened.  "I... I have a niece and nephew?"  He knelt down and shook Mabel's hand.  "Greetings.  Do kids still say greetings?  I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time."

  I snickered, "I don't think any normal child has said the word 'greetings' since, like, 1800's or something." 

  I saw Ford's cheek turn pink at my comment as Mabel looked at his hand in awe.  "Whoa, a six-fingered handshake? It's a full finger friendlier than normal!"

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