Chapter 19: Catching Up

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Earlier that morning
(Chapter warning: cursing)

  "Are you sure that we have to give the journal to him?"  Ford asked uncertainly.

  "It's the only way, as far as I know."  I sighed.

  He nodded.  "Alright.  Are you... wanting to see Stanley?"

  I shook my head. "I think it'll only complicate things."

  "Do you know-"

  "How he feels about me?  Yeah.  I figured it out the night Filbrick kicked him out.  He came by my place and talked about running away together."  I smiled sadly.  "He even said 'please'."

  Ford sat in front of me in stunned silence.  "Do you regret not going with him?"  He asked quietly.

  I took his hands into mine.  "Stanford, while I do feel bad about what Stan had to go through... he has a strong will."  I leaned forward to touch my forehead to his.  "You are the one I was already in love with.  I could never have left you.  Especially with everything you had to go through once you met Bill." 

  He took a deep breath.  "Thank you.  It means a lot to know that."  He captured my lips with his.  I melted into the kiss.  Suddenly we hear loud knocks at the door.  Ford pulled away reluctantly.  "Go upstairs.  I'll see you soon." 

  "Fordsie, I love you.  Please remember that."  I say softly before going into our bedroom. 

The present

  I made my way back to the main floor, with Ford nowhere to be seen.  Only a duffel bag.  I inhaled sharply.  So it was Stan at the door.  Which means...  I rushed to the basement, only to find my old best friend trying to push a lever that wouldn't budge.

  "I just got him back!  I can't lose him again!  Ah, come on!  STANFORD!"  He wailed as he sunk to the floor.  I made my way towards Stan. 

  I put my hand on his shoulder.  "Stanley..."

  He jerked away and turned around, eyes like saucers.  "Y-Y/N?  W-what are you..."  His voice trailed off once he saw my left hand and my stomach.  "Oh God.  You... you're... and he's...  Oh my God.  I really fucked up this time."  Stan stood up and grabbed my shoulders.  "I didn't mean for it to happen, Y/N.  We were fighting... and... it turned on and he..." He started sniffling. "I'm so sorry. I tried to save him, I really did."

I hugged Stan as best as I could. "I know."  I breathed in before letting out a shaky breath.  "There's... a lot of things that I know.  Let's go upstairs.  I'll fill you in on things that no one else knows but Ford."  I took his hand and led him to the dining table.


"So what you're telling me is..."  Stan rubbed his temples.  "That you weren't born in this 'dimension' and the one you came from has all the events that happen here are already been recorded on a TV show."  He looked at the pendant.  "All because of a necklace that you got at a shop that gave you bad vibes." 

  I nodded.  "It sounds far fetched, I know.  But I can prove it."  He raised an eyebrow and motioned for me to continue.  "I know that you did try to find precious metals before becoming a snake oil salesman and the latter has resulted in you being banned in many states.  You've been to jail in three countries, one of which was Columbia.  You gave up the salesman life and scraped by with lottery tickets and borrowing money from the wrong people, and one of those people is named Rico." 

  He stared at me, dumbfounded.  "Well damn."  Stan sat back in the chair.  "You just told me the past ten years of my life."  He exhaled sharply.

I patted his hand and looked at him sadly. "Knowing these things will happen... and not being able to do anything about it..." I felt tears prickle my eyes.

"H-hey. It's alright." Stan rushed to my side and gave me a side hug. "I'm a tough guy, the past ten years weren't that bad." He wiped the tears out of my eyes.

I chuckled a little. "Stan Pines, you never ceased to amaze me when it came to how gentle you are with me." His cheeks turned pink as I ruffled his hair.

"Watch it, toots. I can be rough when I wanna be." Stan's became red when he realized what he said. "Shit, I'm sorry. I... I don't know why I said that." He glanced at my belly. "So. Uh." He cleared his throat. "When did you and Poindexter become a thing?"

I sighed softly. "Well, we still went off to college. Backupsmore. We became closer since it was just him and I. Right after we graduated early, he proposed. Moved to Gravity Falls right after getting the legal documents. We've been chasing all sorts of creatures and mysteries for about six years before he decided to build the project downstairs. The very same day is actually when I found out about Theodore here." I rubbed my stomach.

Stan's face looked forlorn as I told him everything. Then it turned into a look of determination as he stood up. "Alright. I'm going to get Stanford back. It's the least I can do after screwing up your life twice." He pulled me up to my feet and hugged me. "I promise."

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