Chapter 15: Welcome to Gravity Falls

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A week later

  "There it is!"  Ford beamed as he stopped the car in front of a half built cabin.  "Our new home."  He quickly got out and opened my car door. 

  "Why thank you, Mr. Pines."  I said teasingly.

  "You're welcome, Mrs. Pines."  He grinned before giving me a tight hug. 

  I hugged him back.  Then I pulled away.  "I'm going to start taking our stuff out of the car."  I popped the trunk open. 

  "But the house isn't even fully built yet?"  He said, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

  I started placing things close to the building site.  "Trust me, love." 

  He shrugged before helping me.  In no time, we had everything out of the car.  "I'm going to talk to the construction crew to get a time estimate on when our house is finished."  He kissed my cheek before making his way over to the guy in charge.

  I stood by the boxes, silently counting down.  Five... four... three... two... one... Steve's arm appeared out of the woods and grabbed Ford's car, thoroughly crushing it as he stomped back into the woods.  I looked over to Ford, who was staring back at me with wide eyes.  He broke into a massive grin as he readjusted his glasses.  "Let's go research our first subject."  I say giddily as I dashed off into the woods. 

  As I ran,  I could've sworn I heard Ford say, "Damn I love that woman."  Before hearing him chase after me.


  "That... was a lot more exhausting than I thought it would be."  I panted as we walked down into the basement. 

  Ford, however, seemed full of energy.  "Y/N, look at all of these notes though!"  He flipped through the papers that were on the clipboard.

I looked at the pages and pursed my lips. "The book box needs to be one of the first things we unpack once the house is finished. We can't have a bunch of loose papers laying about." I say as I started to build a makeshift bed in the private study.

His eyes lit up. "That's right! There's some journals in there that you found at that bookstore near the university, isn't there?" Ford grinned as he set the papers aside. "Those would be perfect for our research."

I chuckled. "Well, the journals are rather iconic in the show, I knew that I had to get them."

Ford frowned for a second before realizing what I was talking about. "Oh. You mean... yes." He paused. "They're iconic?"

I nodded. "It kinda centers around the journals, in fact." I flopped onto the bed. "I probably shouldn't say anything more so I don't mess with the stupid space-time continuum."

He sighed. "I understand." He laid down next to me and gently pulled me into his embrace.

I smiled up at him.  "I gotta admit it... every day I'm amazed with the level of understanding that you have about my... unique... situation.  I know I'd have difficulty with it if I was in your shoes." 

  "Well I wear bigger shoes than you do."  He teased.  Then his expression turned soft.  "It can be difficult at times.  But if you having knowledge of events that happen in future that you can't tell me is the price of loving you, then I'm willing to pay that price every day for the rest of my life."  He stroked my hair.  "Now get some rest.  We have a lot to do for the next few weeks."

Two weeks later

  "Wow."  I muttered as we gazed at our newfound home.  "It feels very surreal to be seeing the house from this point of view."  I mused as I rested my head on Ford's shoulder.  "A lot of things are gonna happen here.  The story takes place in our home more than anywhere else." 

  "Does it now?"  He hummed as he wrapped his arm around me. 

  I nodded.  "Years into the future, though." 

  He stayed silent for a couple moments.  "Things you probably can't tell me." 

  I nodded again. 

  Ford sighed.  "Alright.  Let's go unpack our stuff."  He squeezed my shoulder gently before making his way inside.

  It kills me that I can't tell him anything, but I can't risk the possible consequences.  I ran my hand against the porch railing absentmindedly.

  He poked his head out.  "You gonna come in?"  Ford frowned when he noticed my expression and stepped back outside.  "Is everything okay?" 

  "I think so.  Just got lost in thought." 

  "Well,"  He took both my hands and led me inside.  "I think I know of a way to fix that."  Ford smirked.

  "As that is?"  I asked, starting to feel heat rise to my cheeks.

  "Unpacking the boxes."

  I stared at him, at a loss for words.  He started to laugh hysterically. 

  "Oh my God, your face is priceless right now."  Ford wheezed as he held onto his sides.

  I puffed my cheeks in annoyance.  "Really, Stanford?" 

  "Okay, okay.  I'm sorry."  He hugged me, still slightly chuckling.  "I do want your help though.  Afterwards I'll make up for teasing you, sound good?" 

  I thought for a moment.  "Yeah okay."  I gave him a half smile.  "Y'know, I never thought you'd be this much of a tease when we started dating." 

  Ford smiled back.  "Well, you bring out in me."  He leaned in to kiss me but I lean back.

  "Okay lover boy.  Let's get started."  I pat his cheek before turning to open the box closest to me.

  "Who's the tease now?" 

  "Oh shut up." 

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