Chapter 36: Tourist Trapped

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Three months later

"Alright. So everything is cleaned up and put away, we have food and drinks. Now all that's left is to pick them up." I chirped happily.

  Stan groaned.  "Could you go do that?  It's going to be busy at the Mystery Shop today." 

  I smiled.  "Of course I can.  Be back soon." 

  I drove to the bus stop as waited as patiently as I could.  Soon, the bus finally came and my relatives walk off the oversized metal snake on wheels. 

  Mabel gasped when she saw me and zoomed over.  "Are you my grauntie Y/N?"  She asked excitedly.

  I grinned.  "The one and only."

   She squealed and hugged me tightly.  "You're so much prettier than I thought you would be!" 

  I laughed and hugged her back.  "That's very kind of you, Mabel."  I patted her head before turning to Dipper.  "There is no need to be shy, Mason.  I'm not gonna hurt ya." 

  His cheeks flushed as he approached me.  He held out his hand and I shook it.  "Most people just call me Dipper."  He said before shoving his hands into his vest pockets while avoiding my eyes. 

  "Would you like me to call you that?" 

  "Yes please." 

  I patted his shoulder.  "Will do."  I steered the kids toward the car.  "Now let's get back to the house and set up your room." 


  I knocked on the door before opening it.  "Hey guys, how's it going?"

  Mabel grinned as she turned to me.  "This attic is amazing.  Check out all my splinters!"  She held up her hands, revealing at least a dozen big splinters. 

  "We should probably take care of that."

  Dipper backed up and bumped into his bed, and frowned when he saw Gompers.  "Aaand there's a goat on my bed."

  The sweater-clad girl walked up to the goat.  "Hey, friend."  She her held out her arm and Gompers started chewing on her sleeve. "Oh!  Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater."  She giggled.

  I chuckled as I pet Gompers, stopping him from creating a hole in Mabel's pullover.  "This is Gompers.  He'll eat anything so be careful about what you leave out."  I patted his butt to shoo him out of the room.  "Mabel dear, let's get you to the bathroom so I can get those splinters out of ya."

  When we got there, I pulled out some tweezers and a brown bottle.  "What's that?"  Mabel asked curiously. 

  "This is hydrogen peroxide, it'll help get any of the stubborn splinters out from under your skin." 

  She and I sat in a comfortable silence for a minute as I got to work.  "So where is Ted?  I thought he was gonna be here."  Mabel asked.

  "Teddy?"  I laughed when I saw her expression.  "I take it your dad forgot to mention my boy is 30.  He is living with his wife."

  "Oh."  She said disappointedly.  "I was hoping to get at least one friend today." 

  I finished up and patted her shoulder.  "Don't worry, Mabel.  You already have a friend right here." 

  This caused her to smile gratefully and I smiled back at her.

A week later

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