Chapter 43: The Last Mabelcorn

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I was enjoying a nice peaceful sleep for once when I suddenly jolted into Ford's dream.  He was in a field of wheat with a ruined swingset, universe portal, and the Stan 'O War.  Ford looked around as the wheat is flattened around him, and I quickly crouched down to keep my presence concealed.  The image was in the likeness of Bill Cipher and began to glow blue. The flying Doritos' maniacal laughter echoed around the field.

Ford scowled.  "I know that laugh...  Show yourself!"  He yelled before turning around see the triangle materialize from the ground.

  "Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well!"  Cipher said as multiple copies of himself appeared around my husband. "Aren't you a sight for sore eye! Stanford Filbrick Pines, my old pal!"  His gaze then fixed upon where I was hiding.  "It's no use hiding from me, toots.  Come join the party, Y/N!"  My breath hitched as another clone of Bill appeared behind me and shoved me into view.

  Ford's eyes widened in surprise at my presence in the dream, but he wrapped his arms around me protectively nonetheless.  "Bill Cipher. What do you want from us?"  He growled.

  "Oh, quit playing dumb, IQ!" The triangle's voice switched to one of the copies.  "You knew I'd be back!  And Three Eyes already knew."  It flicked Ford's nose. "You think shutting down that portal could stop what I have planned?"  Bill and his copies merged into a giant flying Dorito, looming over us. "I've been making deals, chatting with old friends, preparing for the big day!  You can't keep that rift safe forever." He snapped his fingers and a replica of the dimensional rift appeared in his hand.  "You'll slip up, and when you do...!"  The monster threw the rift onto the ground, where it creates a massive portal in the shape of an upside-down triangle, which started to burn the wheat field around us.

  "Get out of here!"  My husband shouted.  "You have no dominion in our world!"

  "Maybe not right now, but things change, Stanford Pines!"  Bill ascended up into the portal. "Things..." his voice warped into a deep demonic voice, "change."  The stupid triangle laughed as he flew away, leaving Ford and I in the middle of the burning wheat field in the ring of fire.

  We woke up.  Ford was panting when he sat up.  I looked up at my husband as put on his glasses.  He turned to me, fear evident in eyes.  "We have to warn them!" He looked down at his hands.  "He's coming." 

  I lightly placed my hand on his arm.  "Fordsie, no one is up right now except for us."

After a few moments to steady his breathing, he slowly nodded. "Alright... I guess that gives us time to discuss how you were in my dream." Ford said with a side glance.

I groaned. "I guess I have to. I was hoping to avoid this topic for..." I sighed heavily. "Basically forever." I got up and took my journal from the shelf. I sat back down next to my husband and flipped to my notes on Daluh. "Read this and the next page."

As he scanned the pages, I felt anxiety gnawing at my stomach. When he was done, he shut my journal and sighed.  "I can see why you wouldn't want to share this with me..."  He set it aside and rubbed his temples.  "This is worse than I imagined it to be." 

  I chewed on my lip.  "Major things could happen and I would have no idea of the outcome."  I placed my head in my hands.  "It scares me, Stanford.  If something happens to any of you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." 

  I felt his arm wrap around me.  "Whatever happens, we'll figure something out." 

  "That isn't something you can promise me, Ford." 

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