Chapter 2: The Kings of New Jersey

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L/N = Last name

Your POV

"Urgh... where am I?" I sat up, head throbbing. I look around and my heart nearly stopped.  This looks more... cartoony... than normal.  Am I dreaming?  I wiggled my feet into the sand I was sitting on.  "Certainly feels real."  I mumbled.  I look at my body, realizing I was smaller.  Am I... a kid right now?

  "Kings of New Jersey!  Kings of New Jersey!  Kings of New Jersey!"  I hear some kids chanting.

  Wait a second... those voices...  I crane my neck to my left to see two very sunburnt boys carrying a boat out from a nearby cave.  Oh God.  Is that...

  "I dub thee: The Stan O' War!"  The boy with glasses says proudly as he paints the name to the side of the boat. 


  "Ow!  What the heck?"  Ford said as he looked around, bewildered from wherever the rock came from.  Then he locks eyes and glares at the newcomers.


  "Well, well, if it ain't the loser twins."  The bully sneered.  "Nice boat.  Ya get it at the dump?"  He laughs as he high fives his friends. 

  I stand up and start making my way over to them.

  Stanley scowled.  "You would know, Crampelter.  Get lost!"

"Yeah Crampelter, get out of here!" I jeered before the bully could insult the twins further.

He narrowed his eyes. "And who're ya supposed to be?"

I stepped in front of Stan and Ford. "I'm Y/N L/N. I might be new around here and I have no business getting in the middle of this but picking on others isn't going to fix your issues." I crossed my arms and tried my best to look tough.

"Ha! Big talk for a little girl."

Stan piped up. "Hey don't worry about us. We can handle him." He patted my arm reassuringly.

Crampelter scoffed. "Listen, dorks, and listen good." He pointed at Ford. "You're a six-fingered freak," Ford flushed with embarrassment and hid his hands behind his back as Crampelter then pointed at Stan, "and you're just a... dumber, sweatier version o' him. And you're lucky you have each other because neither of you will ever make any friends!" Stan and I gave him a dirty look as Crampelter rode off with his lackeys. "Hahahahaha! Dorks and losers..."

I turned to Ford, who was staring at his hands with a downcast expression. Stan put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Hey. Don't let those idiots get to you."

"Yeah. I would like to get to know you guys, if that makes you feel any better." I said.

He looked at me with watery eyes. "But I am a freak." He then averted his gaze. "I just wonder if there's anywhere in the world where weirdos like me fit in..."

Stan then wrapped his arm around Ford. "Hey, chin up, buddy. Look." He gestured toward the sea. "One of these days, you and me are gonna sail away from this dumb town. We'll hunt for treasure, get all the girls, and be an unstoppable team of adventurers." 

  "You really mean it?"  Ford seemed to cheer up. 

  They then turned to me

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  They then turned to me.  "So, your name is Y/N?"  Stan held out his hand.  "I'm Stanley," I shook his hand, "and that's Stanford." 

  Ford bashfully gave a small wave.  "Hi."

  "It's nice to meet you both!"  I smiled. 

Stan gave me a toothy grin. "Where are you from? I certainly would've noticed you at school."

"I... uh... don't remember... my parents kind of just... abandoned me." I lied, not wanting to tell them that I thought this was a dream.

The boys exchanged worried glances. "Where have you been staying?" Stanford said in a small voice. Oh my God his shyness is so cute.

"Just... wherever I can." I said sheepishly.

The twins then turned to each other and talked to each other in whispers. As they were convening, I rubbed the back of my neck. Hold on. The necklace is still with me? I looked at the eye charm and I felt the blood drain from my face. Maybe the note was real. Did I get transported into another dimension? Am I stuck here?  What if-

  "Umm...  Y/N?" Ford said apprehensively, pulling me away from my thoughts.


"We... uhh... we were wondering if you'd... umm..."

"Come home with us." Stan saved his brother from further embarrassment.

I frowned. "You barely know me."

"We can't just let you be on your own!"  Ford exclaimed.  I raised my eyebrows, surprised by his outburst.  He seemed a little surprised himself.  "Err... I mean... it wouldn't be right to leave you here..."

  "I suppose it's better than the alternative." I sighed.

The boys perked up. "Let's grab our stuff and go!" Stan said as he and Ford put on their shirts.

I looked around to see if anything was with me when I woke up. Apparently I had Mary Janes to go with the casual dress I woke up in. Oh lord, I'm going to have to wear all dresses for a few more years before it's okay for women to wear pants. I slipped on my shoes once we got onto the boardwalk. As we made our way to the Pines' Pawn Shop... I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me.

Abrupt ending, Ik. Might eventually revise it to flow smoother. We'll see!


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