Chapter 17: The Portal (part 1)

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Three months later

"Why isn't this working?"  Ford groaned in frustration. 

  I hesitated.  "The answer will come to you soon."  I stand and started to rub his shoulders.  "Plus we've only been working at this for three months, you can't expect that much out of such a short amount of time."

  He sighed.  "I should be the one rubbing your shoulders.  I'm sorry."

  I kissed Ford lovingly.  "This is a symbiotic relationship.  I'm allowed to take care of you too, you know." 

  "I just... want to get this done before you hit your third trimester.  As much as work is important to me..."  He placed his hand on my tummy.  "I don't want this little guy to have an emotionally distant father.  Like... you know."  He teared up a little.

  "Like Filbrick."  I said softly.  I stroke his hair as he nods.  "Sweetheart, you aren't your father.  Not by a long shot.  You've definitely proved that since I told you that I was pregnant."  I took his hands and made him stand up.  "Now let's get some food in you and go to bed.  It's 2:00 AM and Fid is already asleep." 

  He sighed.  "Yeah okay.  Only because you should be sleeping too, though.  That can't be good for Theodore." 

  I chuckle softly and put my hand over my stomach.  "I'm sure he'll be fine.  If anything, Teddy will be a night owl like us." 

  Ford led me up the stairs.  "Which will certainly be exhausting once he's born."  He countered. 

  I hummed in agreement.  "I guess I'll work on having a sleep schedule.  Now come on, let's eat already."


I sat in the middle of the forest, letting myself finally relax. I sigh contently.

"Not bad, Three Eyes. Not many people aren't intelligent enough to conjure lucid dreams." I heard an awfully familiar voice say near me.

I turned around to see... "William?" I felt my blood run cold and the world turned monochrome. "What are you doing here?" Deep down, I already knew the answer. Why didn't I realize this sooner?

He gave me a twisted grin as his eyes turned into slits. "That's right, kid! It took you long enough." He morphed into the creature that I had been dreading to meet; Bill Cipher.

"So did Ford summon you or did you decide to show up on your own?" I asked flatly.

"Now is that any way to treat an old acquaintance? I haven't seen ya in thirteen years, by this dimension's standards." He reclined in the air.

I stood up and crossed my arms. "How did you show up in my dimension in the first place? It shouldn't have been possible, by what happens in the end."

"That's a conversation for another time." He waved his hand dismissively. "For now, we need to discuss your life here. You've been pretty good on not saying too much to Six Fingers, but how long is that gonna last?" He zoomed in close to me, inches from my face. "When the pressure sets, will you crack? I am DYING to find out." He paused for a moment. "Speaking of Six Fingers, it sounds like he needs me right now. I suppose we will need to talk another time." He backed away and waved. "So long, Three Eyes. I'll be keeping an eye on you." Bill cackled as he bursted into blue flames.


  I woke up, feeling cold and sweaty.  I look next to me and sure enough, Ford wasn't there.  I sighed.  Of course he isn't.  I looked at the alarm clock.  6:00 AM.  Great.  I groaned and collapsed back onto the bed.  I might as well eat something and check on him. 

  I made my way down the stairs as softly as I could, grabbed my favorite snack and ate.  Stupid flying Dorito.  He's deceiving my husband and I can't do anything but watch it happen.  I stand up and made my way down into the basement, where things were in shades of gray.  A faint light glowed on my chest.  I looked down to see the pendant, after so many years of being dormant, has started shining again.  I went down the stairs quicker as I started to panic.  "Stanford?" 

  I caught a glimpse of yellow before it disappeared and everything became saturated again.  The light went away.  I stood at the bottom of the stairs, and I saw Ford giving me a look on him that I had never seen before in person; anger.  "What are you doing?  You shouldn't be down here."  He said coldly. 

  My panic grew.  "I... couldn't sleep."  I rubbed my arm self consciously.  "I had a nightmare." 

  His gaze began to soften as he approached me.  He slowly embraced me and started stroking my hair.  I felt my heartbeat become steadier.  "I'm sorry.  I... don't know what came over me."  Ford kissed me forehead.  "Listen... I am at the brink of a breakthrough right now.  With the things I need... it's going to be too dangerous for you to be involved.  So... please just focus on Teddy and I'll focus on the portal.  Go back to bed.  I'll be up soon."  He turned away and started scribbling away as soon as he sat down. 

  He never came back up. 


Hey guys!  I've just been having a real stroke of inspiration lately so now that I have dropped one of my jobs I finally have more energy to put into this! 


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