The Outlaws.

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It was early the next morning when Elizabeth awakened to a metal bowl being thrown in front of her. She looked up to see a fat man with a grey beard, gross hat and massive jacket on. "Eat," he commanded. Elizabeth smirked at him, she looked down at the nasty food.

"I'd rather starve, fat man," she said sarcastically, the mans belly rumbled loudly, she guessed he had gone a whole ten minutes without food and he was already starving again. He growled at her, kicking the food to land over her cross-legged lap. "That meant to hurt me?" She finally pushed him, he grabbed her throat and squeezed tightly.

"You're lucky Dutch said we need you alive," he spat in her face. Elizabeth stared half hooded eyes at him, bored with his empty threats.

"Well, he didn't say you had to be," she whispered before pulling her neck back from his grasp and throwing it forward for her forehead to make contact with his nose, she heard the bones crack under the pressure.

"You fucking bitch," he growled. Dutch had heard the commotion from his tent and walked over to them both.

"Bill, stop being rude to our guest," he shouts as he pushes the fat man and his broken nose away. Bill glared at Elizabeth, ready for the fight.

"Better do as your boss says, cupcake," she laughed at him. Letting the blood from his nose drip down her forehead. Bill tried to attack her again, but Charles and John had rushed over and pulled the man back. Giving up, he roared at them all as he stomped away.

"Feisty little one, aren't you," Dutch comments as he pulls a handkerchief from his front breast pocket to wipe the blood from her face. Elizabeth didn't resist, though she glared at John as he did it. "I see you and John got along well together in Rhodes."

"Yeah, until that prick jumped me," she replies, staring at Charles. The young, shorter man was well built, but not enough for his right eye to be currently bandaged up, he looked at John then walked away.

"He was just doing as I asked, dear," Dutch informed her. He stood up and looked at John, "where's Arthur?" John looked at Dutch and shrugged his shoulders partly. "He's been gone three days, these disappearing acts are getting on my nerves."

"He said he needed time alone," John said as he passed Dutch the piece of paper from Elizabeth's satchel. "It seems she was looking for him as well."

"You're a bounty hunter?" Dutch asked as he looked at her. Elizabeth laughed at his stupid question.

"No, I'm a loving housewife with three kids, a dog and a working husband. Somehow able to beat the shit out of two of your goons," she sarcastically replied. John stared at Dutch and her, seeing if Dutch was going to blow his lid. But the older man just bent his neck back and laughed into the sky.

"I like this woman, what was her name again, John?" They both looked at him.

"Elizabeth Sanchez," he quietly replied. Dutch quickly raised his brows and looked at the woman on the floor.

"My, my. Elizabeth Sanchez the bounty hunter? Wow, I am honoured, you seemed close to getting Mr Morgan. But now your head might fetch me a good price in Valentine." Elizabeth knew she was in the shit, she needed to get out, but they had her things, guns and horse. Epona had pulled herself free from the post outside the saloon and followed John and Charles to camp; they tied the horse up but seemed to be looking after her with some hay and water.

"They won't care in Valentine. The Sheriff doesn't know where I am, I saw this poster in town and just left. I don't have family, so you might as well just let me go." She hoped the lie worked, but Dutch laughed again.

"No, darling. You will be staying here until I decide what I want to do." He looked at John. "Give her no food for five days, starvation might make her talk." John wanted to argue but silently nodded. Though he didn't like Elizabeth for her profession, he was quite fond of the brave woman she was. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a camp to run. Good day, Miss Sanchez."

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