A Step Closer.

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The next few days were uneventful for Elizabeth, she spent most of her days helping around camp and annoying Micah at any chance she got. She hated the rat and would do whatever she could to make his life miserable. Her favourite moment was when she witnessed him trying to demand food from Charles, he didn't take kindly to his words and threw Micah to the ground like a weightless feather, telling him to eat the grass as he walked away.

Charles was one of the few people Elizabeth would not like to cross. After their altercation when they first met, Elizabeth learnt just how much Charles was holding back from her, he was something else when it came to fighting. 

On the fourth day after the disaster in Rhodes with the moonshine, Arthur was asked to meet Hosea at the Brathwaite's manor. Elizabeth wasn't bothered about it until she saw him and the Irish fella, Sean ride back to camp sweating and on horses that weren't theirs.

Arthur had rushed over Dutch, where an argument broke out. It was left with Arthur blocking a punch from Dutch and pushing the older man to the ground, Micah had rushed to his master's side to help him. Elizabeth tried to talk to Arthur, but he kindly said no and went to his tent for the remainder of the night.

The next morning Elizabeth was up at first light, she meant what she said all those days ago to him. She wanted to help those in the camp, and then return to her old life. Bounty hunting was on hold for her for now, no one searched for her anyway. Most bounty hunters were known to die on the job if they weren't seen in a certain period of time.

She brewed some coffee and cooked some bacon and eggs after asking Pearson, he raised a brow but didn't deny her request. She cooked the food into the later part of the morning, expecting Arthur to be awake. But he was yet to emerge from his tent. Finally plating their breakfast and drinks, she carried it all on a tray to his tent, stopping at the flap.

"Knock, knock," she calls loud enough for him to hear. There was some rummaging of fabric before a groaning noise called back. Taking that as an invitation she poked her head inside. "Rise and shine," she smiled. "Fuck sorry!" she immediately adds.

Her eyes scanned over the bare chest of Arthur, he laid in bed shirtless. Or completely naked as her eyes dropped to his crouch, she scolded herself. But the thin fabric didn't do well at hiding his private area. His stomach was lined with strong muscle, and his arms were big enough to crack a watermelon as they laid lazily under his head.

Arthur opened his eyes, suddenly waking up and pulling the duvet all the way up his chest and near hiding under it. "Jesus, woman. You gave me a heart attack," he shouts.

Elizabeth had turned her back on him, he jumped out of bed and threw his partly burnt jeans and ripped shirt on. Not exactly having time to grab anything else. "Sorry, I wondered why you weren't awake yet," she quietly says. He grumbles for her to turn around, she looks at his clothes as she places the tray on the end of his bed.

Arthur looked at the food with a growling stomach, he unconsciously licked his lips. Elizabeth chuckled as she passed him his food and coffee. "I was... dreaming, I guess." He wasn't lying, he was dreaming of her... again. It happened with more time he spent with her, those dreams kept him in a deep sleep and it was peaceful.

"Well, I wanted to see if you were okay. I saw what happened between you and Dutch last night." The mention of his name made him hiss as he threw some bacon in his mouth. Elizabeth was slower with her food, playing with her eggs before she finally ate some.

"It's a long story," he mutters into his cup. Elizabeth watches him, not convinced that was his best reason for not telling her.

"Well, explain the burnt clothes," she says with her fork pointing to his clothes. He looked down and sighed, it was his favourite blue shirt as well. He stole it from some old traveller years ago, it was the only shirt that had made it this far with him, until now.

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