The Pregnancy Life.

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Elizabeth had been pregnant before, so she thought she'd remember the experience. But at this point, she had forgotten the odd symptoms that come with pregnancy. She barely let Arthur out of her sight, he was the most attractive man walking in her eyes.

The house was now complete, though it was mostly empty and needed filling with furniture. Sadie was able to sort that for them, though they weren't to arrive for a few weeks. Arthur kept telling Elizabeth to stay in the motel with Abigail and Jack, but she'd much rather be with him. They slept in their room on the floor with their mattress. It wasn't much, but the most comfortable they've been in a long time.

The house was empty when Elizabeth woke up, Arthur's side of the bed was cold. She got up and went to search for him. The boys had been learning the basics about farming with the help of Charles, who seemed an expert in the subject. The farm was being built for sheep and cattle. Though the weather was warming up with summer around the corner.

The house was big, massive compared to the other houses around Blackwater. Uncle had done well finding the materials to build it. Arthur was outside cutting some wood, though now shirtless as the sheen of sweat trickled down his chest and stomach. Elizabeth stopped on the porch, near drooling as Arthur's broad muscles held the and handled the ax.

He'd been more than happy to fill her landing desires, but lately, it was becoming too much for him. He thought he could handle it, but he struggled a lot with building their home at the same time. John and Charles didn't give him an easy time about it either, constantly teasing him about his tiredness and reason for it.

"Arthur," Elizabeth calls, holding herself tightly as he looks up at her, smiling widely at her. He put the ax down and strolled over to her, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello, ma'am," he says in his thick southern accent. Elizabeth could almost explode to his voice alone. "You okay?"

"Yes... I need you," she whispers. They'd only had sex the night before, but the look of him was too much for her to handle. Arthur rolled his eyes and chuckled as he stalked up the stairs and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her growing stomach put some distance between them both.

"You have me, Liz," he mutters as their lips finally connect. The kiss is desperate and rushed, their tongues danced together as their moans filled the searing heat between them. "Come on," Arthur sternly says as he drags her into the house and straight to their room.

Arthur had become much gentler with her, not wanting to cause her discomfort or pain during sex. He gently places her down into the bed, pulling her nightgown up and over her head. Her breasts had also grown during the pregnancy, they were much more sensitive as well. He kissed her hard nipple, trapping the other between his fingers.

Elizabeth hissed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and dug her nails into his brown locks. "Arthur," she moans. He hums into his breast, licking and nipping her. His free hand dropped down between her legs, he could feel the heat radiating off her. Elizabeth threw her head back as his fingers circled her clit.

"You're wet for me, girl?" he moans into her neck. Elizabeth falls back into the bed, letting the pillows crush her fall. Arthur quickly got up to take his trousers off. "Come ere'," he commanded. Elizabeth groaned but did as he said, he turned her so she was on all fours and leaning into the mattress.

"What are you-," her words were cut off when his hard dick crushed into her. She screamed into the duvet, scrunching them up in her hands. Arthur began relentless wave movements against her ass. The room was boiling with the heat from them both and moans that hit the four walls around them.

"I'm close," Arthur warns, Elizabeth can only moan in reply. Arthur's time during sex was a struggle with the more times they had sex, he'd last less and less each time. Elizabeth didn't care at all, he was always able to satisfy her.

"ARTHUR!" she screams as he slams into her one last time, her body dropping into the bed. Arthur held her hips up so she didn't fall into her stomach, he twitched as he filled her and his orgasm ruled over him.

Once they finally calmed down, he pulls out and lays on the bed. Elizabeth falls onto his chest, "I love you," she whispers as her nails glide down his stomach.

"I love you too."


Everyone had come back to the house for dinner, Elizabeth and Abigail cooked for the guys as they finished the last of the outer barn before calling it a day. Jack did what he could, but past doing some painting the heavy work was too much for him.

"You seem bright and happy today," Abigail comments as both women walk outside with the plates of food in their hands.

"I am happy," she replies with a smile. Jack was the first to greet them, but he stumbles into Elizabeth. Almost knocking her over with the food.

"Jack Maston. You be careful, she is pregnant!" John scolded his son as the men followed behind. Arthur had rushed over, placing his hands on her stomach to make sure she was okay.

"I'm sorry Auntie Elizabeth. I tripped," Jack says with tears in his eyes. Arthur grabs the food from Elizabeth so she could kneel in front of him. She wipes the tears from his eyes.

"It's okay, hun. Accidents happen, just be careful from now on, okay?" Jack smiles and nods. "Good, now eat your food." Everyone sits down at the makeshift table, Sadie had yet to return from Blackwater with more materials for the barn.

"I wondered," Uncle said. "How will you all pay this loan back to the bank?" Arthur takes a bite of his meat before replying.

"We will be farmers. It's an easy trade-in Blackwater, along with John ere' doesn't get us ripped off again," he said with his fork pointing at John.

"That was one time," he argues. Thinking back on the time they stole sheep from a farmer and tried selling them in Valentine. Only to be ripped off and John agreeing to take a shit deal offered to them when Arthur said they should try another town.

"One time too many," Charles comments. Elizabeth chuckled into her food, already having eaten half her plate.

"Jesus, slow down, Liz," Arthur says as he smiles at her. Abigail can only look on and laugh, she knew exactly what it was like to be hungry when pregnant.

"She's eating for two," she says, defending Elizabeth.

"Can't believe we will have a bouncing baby around here soon," Uncle says with glee. He loved the time Jack was a baby, he'd always offer to babysit when Abigail or John needed to do something.

"Not long now..."

-6 Months Later-

"ARTHUR," she screams from the now fully decorated kitchen. Arthur and Abigail both come flying through different parts of the house, both finding Elizabeth hanging heavily onto the counter. "It's time," she says with a wheezing breath.

"Jesus," Arthur mutters as he looks down at the puddle between her legs. He was going to be a father again, this time he'd do it properly.

A/N: We'll all meet the bouncing baby in the next chapter. Thanks for reading! 

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