Daddy's Girl.

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Arthur woke up before Elizabeth that morning, they both laid in bed together mostly naked from their previous night of fun. Arthur could count on both hands how many times he'd had sex with a woman and never gave it much of a second thought. But with Elizabeth, it was different, his body craved her attention and body. He woke up most morning semi-hard just by thinking of her.

Elizabeth was soundly asleep, her body flush against his chest. She moved slightly and her ass brushed against his semi-hard dick. He grunts and turns on his back, he is dying to feel her again. He looked out of the window, the sun had only started to come up but he could hear Grimshaw outside shouting at Pearson to hurry with breakfast.

Their room was still in the same condition as when they arrived just a few days ago, neither of them liked spending much time in there besides sleeping and having sex. Arthur couldn't get that thought to leave his mind, he turned back over and glided his hand down her thigh. She responded by moving her ass higher and bucking her hips slightly.

"Not even a good morning?" she asks with a tired voice. Arthur grunts and lifts her thigh to get access to her already dripping wet folds. He glides a finger in with ease, Elizabeth cranes her neck back, moaning.

"This is better than mornin," he roughly replies as he adds another finger and starts to finger her at an alarming rate. Elizabeth throws her body back, her arm goes around herself and wraps around his hardness. Arthur grunts and bit her exposed neck.

They both continue to fuck each other with their hands, the room filling with moans and pants. Arthur pulls her hair with his free hand, letting her neck draw back enough to catch her lips for an awkward angled kiss.

"I need you," Elizabeth moans, Arthur pulls his soaking wet fingers out and moves closer until their bodies are flush together. He puts a hand between them and glides his throbbing dick into her. Elizabeth nearly screams as he fills her, feeling her walls clamp around him.

"Would you two keep it down!" John shouts from across the hall. Arthur and Elizabeth both pause for a moment before giggling and rocking their hips into each other.

"Shut it, Marston," Arthur bellows back in warning as he kisses Elizabeth, the angle was not helping as their lips were just about to reach but the position was too good to give up. Elizabeth was much tighter with her body laid sideways and legs almost completely closed. Arthur moved the arm he laid on over their heads and played with her hair as the other kept a death grip on her hips as he slammed their bodies together.

Elizabeth pulled herself free, Arthur moaned in disappointment as he left her. She gets up to straddle him, their bodies meet again and his dick glides in with ease. She starts to rock against him, Arthur dug his nails in her thighs, moaning deeply with eyes closed tightly.

The house was starting to wake up as they heard floorboard creaks and voices. Elizabeth tried to hush him, but Arthur only bucked harder into her, forcing her to also moan his name.

"Fuck," she moans as she throws her head back. Arthur paused for a moment when he heard the floorboard right outside their door creak. He was close to getting up to find out who it was but Abigail could be heard storming down the hall and shouting.

"Jack Marston! You leave Uncle Arthur alone, he is still... sleeping," she chuckles as she says those last few words. Elizabeth and Arthur look at each other, giggling like school kids as they both continue their business.

Arthur brings his body up to slam his chest into Elizabeth, catching her lips and slipping his tongue into her mouth. He pulls back and spins their bodies so he was now on top, the mattress creaks under the boards as he starts to fuck her with no hesitation to slow down.

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