The Final Stand.

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Life was never easy for Arthur, he'd had it hard right from when he was born. His mother died when he was young and he watched his own father swing for the hundreds of petty crimes the man was known for.

It was when he met Arthur and Hosea when he was fourteen, he tried stealing from them, but was caught instead of being beaten for his disrespect. Both men took him under his wing and raised him as their own.

Hosea was the kind-hearted father figure Arthur always wanted. Dutch was the tougher and less loveable figure, but he taught Arthur most of his survival skills. Even teaching him how to read and write, which for a kid in his situation was rare. He liked the life he had, but after years... decades of happiness, it had come to an end.

They finally met back up with Dutch and Micah, their horses had tagged along with both men and now they could finally get away from the scene of the crime quickly. "Where's John?" Arthur asks as he expects to see his brother on the back of Dutch's horse.

Dutch looks at the ground, he sighs before looking at Micah as he spoke. "We tried... he's gone," he mutters. Arthur drops the bag, looking at Bill and Javier as they all stand shocked. Micah's friends didn't give a shit as they put the bags on the back of their horses and climbed on, ready to go.

"How... he got shot in the damn shoulder?" Arthur spits in anger. This couldn't be true. Yes, John fell, but even that and the shoulder injury couldn't have killed him. No, he knew they were lying.

"It's true, cowpoke. He bled out before we got to him!" Micah shouted almost defensively. Arthur whistles his horse to come closer, muttering on his breath at the utter bullshit he was lying. Javier and Bill both kept quiet about the whole thing, they didn't want to even give their opinion on this. Both men almost seemed too scared to speak.

"We need to get back," Dutch says, now sounding normal all too quickly. Arthur kept back from them all, he hoped the camp had been fine for the near four hours they'd been gone.


"You see them?" Sadie asks as she and Elizabeth kneel down in the dirt with binoculars. Elizabeth nodded with confirmation. She could see the two men pulling Abigail into the small shack by the muddy river. Agent Milton followed behind, they could only guess grabbing Abigail will bring John and Arthur running to rescue her.

"We need a plan," Elizabeth says as she grabs her sniper from her shoulder and looks through the scope. She could see four men on the outside of the door. That isn't counting who could currently be waiting further away when rescue did come.

"They don't know me, let me go down and speak to some of them. You stay here and cover, okay?" Said explains as she gets up and dusts herself down. Elizabeth wasn't all that happy with the plan, but it was either keep it stealthy or go in guns blazing.

"Okay, just stick close to cover." Sadie nods as she makes her way down the hill, leaving both her rifles with Elizabeth and removing her gun belt to then hide her pistol in the back of her jeans. She was going to play the lost, lonely woman. It usually worked on men, just batter the eyelids and they'd come running.

Elizabeth watched through her scope as she watched as two men furthest from the door walked towards her, shouting for her to stop. Sadie had slapped on the fake tears and shouted as she waved her arms around frantically. The men seemed to become calm as they lowered their guns and looked at each other in worry.

Sadie finally made the move, she pulled her gun out and shot both before they even knew what was happening. Elizabeth pulled her gun higher and scoped the two by the door as they turned towards the gunshots. Sadie threw herself behind a boulder, waving Elizabeth down as three more men ran out from either side of the shack.

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