No Plan, No Future.

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Sadie didn't have much trouble finding out what happened with the bank robbery, it turned to shit was really all she could describe it when she returned to the small shack to tell everyone. Pearson stepped forward, knowing that they needed a plan since the main runners of the gang were now gone.

"Where is Hosea?" he asks. Sadie looks at the ground, her eyes welled up with tears.

She turned to sit on her bunk, the gang surrounded her as they patiently waited for the answer. "Pinkertons captured him, used him as bait in the street. People watching said they saw him get shot in the chest." Abigail let out a scream as she hugged Jack when he began to cry.

"The monsters," Mrs Grimshaw screamed, she charged out of the house, cigarette in hand. The other gang members cried and whimpered in a small huddle, Tilly hugged Karen. 

"The police have his body, me and Abigail will get him back tonight," Sadie says. Abigail nods, not needing to be even asked if she was willing to do it. The gang went back to their own devices and it was widely quiet, even little Jack didn't make a sound as he silently cried himself to sleep.

"We need Arthur," Pearson mutters as he heads outside to prepare dinner with what little food he had. Sadie nodded as she cleaned her gun, they really did need Arthur and even John back. She only hoped Charles could track them.


Elizabeth wasn't sure how in hell her life was changing all the time, only a day ago she was hiding in the mountains, trying to get back to a somewhat normal and isolated life and now here she was cuddling with Arthur as he snored softly from behind her. The shack was small, John was asleep across the room.

She stared at the floor to her side, it was usually cold, but this morning it wasn't. She was warm and content. She looked up when John groaned and turned over, his brown eyes landed on her.

"Morning," she mumbles, feeling Arthur tighten his hold on her as she tries to move. He groaned and moved closer, not letting her go.

"You know he missed you right?" John comments as he sits up and cracks his aching back. Elizabeth knew that the second she saw Arthur, he hadn't let her go since then.

"I know," she replies. "I'm sorry for leaving, I had to. What has happened with the gang?" John looks at her as he sweeps his greasy hair back against his head. The sigh he let out came out as white smoke.

"Dutch went to do the bank robbery, I can only guess he's rolling in his own money right now. Hopefully, he has a plan for what we can do next, we need to leave this place and start fresh." John wanted a life alone, just him, Abigail and Jack, but his love for the gang kept him from doing that.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Dutch and his grand plans." Arthur finally was waking up, he coughed as he yawned and sat up.

"It's fuckin' freezing," he groans as he pulls his jacket tighter around him. Elizabeth chuckles as she sits up and shares her warmth with him. "We need to leave this hell hole."

"We will head out in a few days, there is a snowstorm and ain't no way the horses will get through it." Arthur groaned again, he hated the cold. He wanted to be back in the somewhat warm house of Shady Belle. Elizabeth looks at the table that had what little food Arthur and John had brought with him. "We also need more food," she points out.

John got up, fetching his guns and second jacket. "I will go," he offers. Arthur laughs as he stands up and shakes his head.

"No way, you will get eaten by wolves again. I will go, Elizabeth you comin'?" John only huffs and sits at the table, too cold to even argue. Elizabeth stands up and nods, she liked hunting and hopefully with Arthur they could find some extra food and maybe pig out for once. The food will at least keep them warm.

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