Welcome Home.

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A/N: I think I've made everyone wait long enough with some Arthur and Elizabeth smut, so it will be in this chapter for you to enjoy.

"Put them up, cowboy," a deep voice called from behind Arthur as he was about to walk inside the saloon in Saint-Denis. He backed away, letting the doors close on him as he put his hands up. Elizabeth had come back out, quickly putting her gun up to the thief, but then realising who it was she sighed and put her gun away.

"Not funny, Dutch," she muttered as she walked back inside. Arthur turned around, seeing Dutch bob his shoulders up and down as he laughed at him. He holstered his gun and slapped him in the chest as they both walked in.

They needed to find Bronte, but it seemed he had a lot of influence in Saint-Denis and most wouldn't speak about the man. A rumour that Bronte drank at this downtown saloon was their only lead. Elizabeth was already leaning over the bar, delivering her charm away to the bartender.

"Three whiskeys please, my fine gentlemen," Dutch announced to the bartender. He smiled and winked at Elizabeth before going to fill their order. Arthur, who was less than impressed came up behind her and wrapped his hand around her waist, quickly showing his dominance to the flirtatious bartender.

"Calm down, tiger," she whispered. "I'm trying to charm him to tell us where Bronte is," Arthur grumbled and removed his hand, leaning into the bar instead.

"There we go," he says as he passes them their glasses. "Three dollars, please." Dutch nearly spat his drink out, he looked at Arthur. Valentine and Rhodes were nearly three times cheaper than this inferior shit.

"Well, now that you had daylight robbed us," Dutch starts as he throws the money at the man. "Maybe you can help us, we are looking for Angelo Bronte." The bartender froze on the spot, he looked around his saloon before scratching his neck nervously.

"I don't want anything to do with your business, get out now." Elizabeth tried to speak up but he started to grab the rifle under his bar. They finished their drinks and quickly left.

"Well that was pointless," Arthur shouted over the loud noises of passerby and horse hooves. Dutch scratched his chin, thinking about what was best for them to do.

"You both go ask around, I will meet up with you both later." He left on his horse without another word. Elizabeth decided to also go a different way, telling Arthur she'd meet him around the other end of the street.

"Hey, sir. I can tell you where Bronte lives, for five dollars." A small kid called from the back alleys. Arthur walked towards him, the kid couldn't be more than six or seven years old, he did sound confident though.

"And how do I know you won't lie to me?" he asks as he leans on his hip. The kid smiled and pointed at his satchel.

"You got a map, mister?" Arthur nodded and got it out, the kid grabbed hold of it and opened it. He let Artur lean over as he moved his finger over the poorly painted map of Saint-Denis. But then Arthur felt it, his satchel had been cut from its holder. He looked between the two kids before snatching the map from the other kid and taking off running after the thief.

"You little shits," he shouted as the kid jumped onto the carriage, he called out for Arthur to keep up. He was less than impressed as he swore under his breath and ran through the back alleys to cut the carriage off.

Elizabeth had heard Arthur's voice, she ran towards it and saw him take off after someone. She followed behind, but boy could the man run, she felt her lungs close up as she sprinted to keep up.

The kid jumped off and ran through the markets. Arthur nearly caught him, but the busy market was hard for him to get through. People shouted and pushed him around as he fought his way through, the kid was able to squeeze through easily with his small stature. Elizabeth had gone around and knew if she ran fast enough she'd be able to cut the kid off.

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