Sickness And Health.

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Getting back to Leymone was much quicker than going to Colter, the downhill trail made it easier for the horses. Arthur was still coughing his guts up and Elizabeth was becoming more and more worried. He was better since coming out of the cold, but he barely slept and was in the worst mood.

"Where has the gang gone now?" John asked from Behind Charles. They were just an hour or so away, going past Shady Belle first to see the carnage left by Pinkertons.

"It's a small shack deep in the swampy woods, we are well hidden. But it is a tight fit for us all," Charles replied. Arthur and Elizabeth rode side by side, Arthur had spoken much and it worried her.

"You okay?" she asks in a whisper. Arthur just nods and keeps his eyes on the road. He cleared his throat, there had not been any more blood since the first time he started coughing, but he was scared something was seriously wrong.

They kept riding until Charles slowed them all done, he called ahead as Sadie walked over, rifle in hand. "Arthur!" she called in relief. "Guys, they are back!" The whole gang came flooding out at the call.

They barely gave Arthur and John a chance to sit down before they were asking them both too many questions for their aching heads to comprehend. Elizabeth stepped in front of both men, waving her hands for them all to calm down. "Give them a chance to settle, it's been a long ride."

"This is your fault anyway!" Karen shouts. Elizabeth quickly glares at her, warning her not to overstep. Grimshaw came forward, putting her hand on Karen's bare shoulder, but she just pushed it off. "Well, it's true. If she didn't leave, Arthur and John would have been there to help us!"

"I left for my own reasons, Karen. Watch your mouth, girl," she warns with a pointing finger. Arthur came between both women, he tried to speak but his throat closed up again. "Arthur?" Elizabeth asked from over his shoulder, he held his finger up as he doubled over.

"What's wrong with him?" Pearson asks, rushing over with some coffee, hoping it would help. Charles caught Arthur before he collapsed.

"The weather in Colter, it's done something to him. Quickly get him on the back of Epona," Elizabeth shouts as she pushes John to help Arthur to her horse. "I'll take him to the doctor in Saint-Denis. Everyone stay here, Charles could you go hunting and get us all something big for dinner, please." Charles nods as he and John help Arthur climb Epona.

Elizabeth got up and made sure Arthur was holding on to her as she kicked Epona into a full-on gallop towards the city. She was scared, he looked worse as the wind rushed to his face and he started to slump.

"Arthur, please. Stay awake, we are nearly there." Epona huffed as Elizabeth made her go faster. Passerbys shouted as the horse flew past them, the wind nearly taking their balance, the doctors were only around the corner.

She brought them to a skidding stop, Elizabeth patterned her horse thanks for being so quick and sorry for being aggressive. She helped get Arthur off the back, he groaned as he felt his muscles ache and he shivered uncontrollably.

"Please help!" Elizabeth shouted as she kicked the doors in, the receptionist ran over, taking Arthur's free side as they carried him through to the pipe-smoking doctor.

"Ma'am, can you pay? Just I have a family?" Elizabeth nearly scoffed at him, throwing him a twenty-dollar bill, not even caring if that's much less than he expected. She wanted Arthur to feel better. "Thank you, now what seems to be the problem?" he asked Arthur, but he was coughing too much to answer. He held Elizabeth's arm as he doubled over, more blood coming up.

"He's been coughing like this for a few days, we just arrived home and he's gotten much worse from there." She looks down at the blood, her eyes widened. "And... and the blood, this is the first time I've seen it."

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