Revenge Of A Family.

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"Mrs Braithwaite! Come out and you may live!" Dutch shouts as he and the whole gang stand outside the mansion of the Brathwaite home, the only one left alive was Catherine. Everyone else had been killed and not in a painless way. Arthur talked Elizabeth out of coming on this one, he could see her pure anger would control her and he didn't want to see that happen.

"You!" Catherine shouts as she opens the front doors. "You have killed my sons, ruined my home. You will burn in hell Van Der Linde." Dutch didn't care, he walked up the stairs and slapped her in the face.

"Where's my son?!" John shouts from Arthur's side. Micah and Charles had gone around the back of the house. Dutch wanted the place in flames, but they needed to find Jack first.

"You will all die!" she shouts again. Dutch drags her into the house, demanding everyone to search the whole house for Jack. Arthur went upstairs, he looted his way through the five master bedrooms as he checked everywhere he could think of.

"He's not here," he shouts from the landing. Dutch kicked Catherine in the stomach, the old woman cowered on the floor, still swearing for his death.

"Where is the child?" he asks again, spitting in her face. But she did not reply, Dutch took her back out, throwing her down the stairs to the dirt road. "Your home will go up in flames if you do not tell me where the child is!"

"He is not here!" she finally screams. Her dress was ripped, her hair untied and she had tears stained to her face as she rolled in the dirt. Arthur went to help Charles coat the house with cans of gasoline. It was a beautiful home, but decades of hate, blood and murder hid behind the glamour. "My sons took him to Angelo Bronte in Saint-Denis," she spat.

"We have our location men, touch the place," Dutch called. Arthur and Micah threw matches in the living room and kitchen, running outside before the house flames engulfed them both.

"What about her?" Arthur asked as Dutch turned his heel on the crying woman.

"Leave her, she will die with her legacy," he announces as the gang departs. Catherine cries into the ground, seeing her home burn to the ground.


"We will find him, Abigail," Elizabeth consoles her for the third time she had woken up crying and begging for Jack. She just hoped John would be back soon, he'd barely been near her and Abigail screamed for him so many times.

"Who would take an innocent child?" she cries into Elizabeth's shoulder. Miss Grimshaw had gone to get her some food and coffee, hoping it would help calm her down. Most of the gang wouldn't step anywhere near Abigail, she'd already snapped at Pearson and Bill. only Sadie, Elizabeth and Susan were allowed anywhere near her.

"The world is a harsh place, the rich attack the poor. Jack will be home soon, and those who took him will pay in the most painful way." Sadie ran into the tent, breathing heavily.

"They are back!" Abigail didn't waste a second scrabbling to her feet to meet the men outside. Elizabeth followed her out, and they returned empty-handed. But Arthur had the look of something haunting him across his face, he ignored her smile and looked down at the ground.

"Where's my son?" Abigail shouts as she looks to Dutch for the answer. Dutch gets out The Count and leans against the horse, sighing heavily as he breaks the news to her.

"What happened?" Elizabeth whispered as Arthur goes over to her, he doesn't say anything, but grabs her arm and pulls her into his tent. The flap drops behind them, he turns her to face him. With the glare of pure fear in his eyes as he slams their lips together, Elizabeth melts into his arms. She wanted answers but the tense hold he had told her, he needed this, so she allowed it.

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