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Elizabeth had been... ordered by Dutch to meet Arthur and John just outside the Grays land, he didn't tell her why. Just to get going down there and not draw attention to herself. She didn't argue with him before grabbing her carbine rifle and rode out with Epona.

"You think Hosea is in trouble?" John asked as he and Arthur crouched in the bushes just outside the tall fence to the manor. Arthur had to admit, the Braithwaites mansion looked lavish compared to the much smaller Gray home.

"Na, Hosea can talk himself out of death itself. He's got this," he replied. They both went back to silence until the sound of boots made them both quickly grab their guns and aim right at an approaching Elizabeth.

"Woah, men. Calm down," she shouts as she holds her hands in the air. Arthur dropped his gun and pushed John away from her. "You guys are shit at hiding by the way," she snarkily adds as she crouches down.

"How did you find us?" John asked in his croaky, husky voice. Arthur smirked but didn't comment on her observation of both men.

"Well, if it wasn't your scent in the air, but massive footprints led me to you both." Arthur and John looked at each other but were dumbfounded at how she could see their tracks. They both turned to look at themselves and couldn't see anything but mud and dried, dead grass.

"I don't see anything," John points out. Elizabeth just rolled her eyes and hushed him. She could hear a carriage approaching.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I give you moonshine," Hosea's voice filled the air. They all came out from cover and ran over to the stopping carriage, it was filled to the brim with moonshine.

"How in hell did you get it without fighting?" Arthur asked as he inspected the back. Elizabeth petted the two horses pulling the carriage, John only stood at the side, looking in shock at how Hosea actually did it on his own.

"It was easy, Arthur," Hosea says as he pats his shoulder. "Just get both drivers so drunk they will fall asleep to any story you tell," he says with pride. Arthur smirked at him, amused that Hosea's sly ways still worked.

"We need to get this to Braithwaites," John finally speaks up. She climbs in the front with Arthur, only one more space was free at the back of the carriage.

"John, follow behind, don't come through the gates of the Braithewaite manor, though." John hums but does as Hosea says, whistling Old Boy over.

"You ready?" Arthur asked her in a hushed tone, Elizabeth smiled and nodded. He snapped the reins, getting both horses pulling the heavy carriage of booze.

"Now, be careful Arthur. These bottles can break easily," Hosea shots from the back. Arthur doesn't say anything then a grunt. John smiled at Elizabeth as he rode up alongside them. It seemed John had a soft spot for Elizabeth, it could be from feeling bad for ambushing her at the Rhodes saloon all those weeks ago.

But not wanting to think much of it, Elizabeth just sat back and enjoyed the bumpy ride to the Brathiwaites.


"Stop right there," one of the guards outside the manor shouted as the carriage approached them. Arthur looked at Hosea, he nodded to do as they were told. He pulled the horses to a slow stop as they were surrounded by four men with rifles. John had stayed behind, he could cover from their flank if they needed it.

"Good afternoon, fine gentlemen," Hosea began in his sweet speaking voice. "I am here to see the lady of the house, we have a delivery for her." Two of the guards looked at each other with suspicion but nodded to allow them to pass.

"Johnny, get on the back and make sure our... guests," he says with a close eye to Arthur, "don't cause any problems for mama." This Johnny grabbed on the back and squeezed himself next to Hosea.

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