Sadie Adler and Rhodes.

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It had been three weeks since Arthur and Elizabeth's disagreement, he had finally given up trying to be friendly with her. He left the camp the day after the failed hunt and didn't return for over a week. His head injury had healed over fine, but the scar showed through his swept-back hair.

"I swear if Pearson asks me to cut one more damn vegetable, I will gut the man myself," Sadie yelled as she stormed through the camp. Elizabeth was sitting by the dropped bank by the river, Clemons point had somehow gotten more humid over the past few days.

"That man thinks us women have to do everything," Elizabeth shouted to get Sadies attention. She made a beeline for her, sitting down next to her with a huff.

"I can't stand this damn camp anymore," Sadie says as she kicks the muddy sand. Elizabeth had an idea, she got up and pulled Sadie up with her.

"Let's go to Rhodes." Sadie looked at her with a raised brow. "We could get you some better clothes than that damn dress." Elizabeth had refused to wear dresses, John gave her some of his olds trousers which she stitched to fit her comfortably.

"I would like that, come on," Sadie says with excitement as she pulls her along. The woman first needed to find Dutch and ask for Elizabeth's guns back. The town of Rhodes may be small, but there was a long-standing feud between two families. The Grays and Braithwaites.

"Dutch?" Elizabeth calls by the front of his tent. Molly, Dutchs... partner, the best word Elizabeth could think of scoffed at the sight of both women asking for him.

"How can I help you, ladies?" Dutch asked as he strolled over with his biggest smile. Sadie stood beside Elizabeth, giving Dutch her most genuine smile and charming attitude to win him over.

"Myself and Mrs Adler would like to go into Rhodes for some supplies. I understand there are two families that are in feuds with one another. May I request my guns, just to take to town? You may have them back when we return." Elizabeth hated sucking up to the man, but she didn't know any other way than fighting for her guns.

Dutch scratched his chin as he looked at both women, clapping his hands together he smiled and nodded. "If you wish," he simply replies. With their thanks, they were about to walk away, but Dutch clears his throat, "But... Arthur will accompany you both."

Elizabeth craned her neck back and sucked in a breath. "Of course, Dutch," she snarkily says with a delightful smile, then storms away. "Great, I have to deal with that asshole now," she mutters to Sadie.


"No fuckin way, Dutch," Arthur shouts as he gets up and flares his hands around. Dutch lit a cigar, puffing out smoke to show he doesn't care for Arthur's attitude.

"I wasn't asking, son. I need you to get Elizabeth on our side, she is one of the best gunslingers in the country. With her on our side, we would be able to pull off any robbery we wanted." Arthur felt quite insulted by that gunslinger comment, it was only a few months ago he had taken down three of the best-known gunslingers in the state.

"She won't even join us, Dutch. She has already told me that, said she didn't see me as anythin other than a damn criminal." Arthur leans against the post to Dutch's tent, resting his hands on his gun belt.

Dutch stands up, resting his hand on his shoulder. "Son, she will join us, whether we force her or not is her choice. Take the women to Rhodes, protect them at most, it's all I ask?" Arthur glared at him, but finally caved and nodded into the ground. "Good," Dutch whispers as he sits back down.

"Are you girls ready?" Arthur asks as he climbs onto the wagon, waiting for both women to get in. Elizabeth wouldn't even look at him. Sadie had been given a list from Pearson, she didn't even know why she offered.

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