The Hungry, Poor and Weak.

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A/N: I remember saying a few chapters back about Arthur never even meeting Thomas Downes, the man with TB. I feel bad for that man, trying to sustain his family when he was slowly and painfully dying. This chapter is dedicated to him, don't worry. Arthur won't get sick from him! Enjoy the chapter.

Elizabeth wasn't surprised when she and Arthur found Beaver Hollow's was deserted, many who stayed didn't stay long. Leymone raiders were known to stop by there during raids and hunts, but they both went there at a good time and did not have to kick anyone out. Arthur had been oddly quiet during the whole ride and waited for the rest of the gang to show up.

Dutch and Micah have been inseparable in the three days since settling. Beaver Hollows is deep in the woods, most would miss the turning on the road to get there. It was an open, yet small grass plain surrounded by Autumn trees. It was cooler than their small shack and Shady Belle by the swamps, it was a welcomed relief for everyone.

"Ah, Mr Morgan. Just the person he wanted to see," Leopold Strauss calls from his little chair under a tree. Arthur didn't mind the man, though as slippery as a worm. He'd never trust the Austrian, he was a loan shark and bled poor families dry.

"What can I do for you, Strauss?" Arthur asks, lighting a cigarette. He looked over at Elizabeth as she was bent over a chest, he eyed her as the smoke clouded his face. She quickly felt his eyes and gave him a disapproving glare about the cigarette. She wished he would give up, not wanting another problem like his sickness to reappear.

"I have some debtors who have fallen behind on their payments. Would you please visit each one and receive the full amount owed?" The Weasley voice asked. Arthur threw the cigarette to the ground, seeing Elizabeth smile before he finally looked at the older man. He had a note in his hand with the names and amount owed.

"Sure, I will be back soon," he says as he heads to his horse. Arthur thought about bringing Elizabeth, but he decided to let her rest for the day. She'd been secretly running things alongside him with Dutch going steer crazy and muttering to himself or Micah.


The first name on the list was J. John Weathers. All that is said about the man was he had deserted the army and got a loan to make a life for himself, but quickly fell behind and stopped visiting Strauss to give him the money owed.

Arthur went to the last location Weathers was living in, the small shed-like home was all but empty, but the tracks in the mud told him, Weathers had only left a few hours ago. The pressure of his chasing debt was obviously getting to the man.

Arthur rode out from Valentine and headed towards the damp woods of the Grizzlies, it didn't take him long to find a wagon, man underneath it as he swore to himself, trying to fix something. "Mr Weather?" Arthur calls as he stops his horse and slowly gets down.

Weathers smashed his head as he scrambled to his feet, fearing the large outlaw strolling towards him. "How- how do you know my name?" he shakingly asks.

Arthur leans against his wagon, keeping his calm as he rests his hands on his gun belt. "I am a business associate of Leopold Strauss. You owe him money," he bashfully says. Weathers gets more nervous, trying to back away from him.

"We got him!" A voice from the bushes of the path shouts, it was the fucking army. Arthur grunted, they were after Weathers.

"Please," Weathers begs as four men come towards him, gun raised. "Help me and I'll give you whatever you want." Arthur weighs the option before pulling his pistols out and headshooting the two nearest to him. Weather cowers as Arthur makes quick work of the other two, not giving them much chance to even fight back.

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