Moving On.

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"You're... pregnant?" Arthur repeats, almost shaking and scared to get confirmation on it. But he does, Elizabeth nods against his chest. "Fuck," he mumbles. "Are you okay?"

"Scared... and I feel sick," she replies, pulling back to look at him. "What do we do?"

Arthur wasn't sure what they could do. Either way, they were going to have a baby, it's life and their own consequences to having sex so much. "We will get through this, we will have this baby and give it a life neither of us could have before."

Elizabeth kissed him, letting the tears fall as she cried into his lips. She was so scared but excited at the same time. The thought she could actually be a mother was something she had dreamed of after losing her precious daughter all those years ago. But, this couldn't have happened at a worse time.

Abigail and John had just returned from their small trip to the river with Jack, it was something they started to do together as a family. John was finally being the father and husband he needed to be. "What's wrong?" Abigail asks as she rushes over to Elizabeth who was still crying.

"You wanna tell em'?" Arthur asks her. The ball was in her court on whether she wanted to tell them or not. She looks at Jack before telling them. The young lad smiled at her, looking worried as to why his favourite auntie was upset.

"I'm pregnant," she says loud enough for them all to hear. John and Arthur instantly meet eyes, his brother looking happy for him but also sharing the same worry about what their current living conditions were.

"Congrats," Abigail squeals in excitement. She pulls Elizabeth into a hug as Jack rushes over, asking all types of questions.

"Will I be a big brother?" he asks, really excited to have another kid to play with for once. Arthur kneels down, taking his small hands into his colossal ones.

"Yes, son. You will be a big brother," he confirms. Jack laughs and jumps around. John finally approaches, offering a firm handshake to Arthur.

"I'm happy for you brother," he says. Then looks at Elizabeth and Abigail before whispering, "what is your plan?" Arthur can only shrug, he didn't know what to do. He needed a job, money and home to provide for his family.

"We need work," he explains. John can only agree, he needed to start doing the same for his own family. "I might have an idea. You know when Sadie will be back with Charles?"

"Any day now," John replies. Arthur had a plan, but he needed Charles for it as well. He hoped with all their help, his idea could become a reality.


It was only later into the evening when everyone was having dinner that they heard Sadie and Charles talking as they walked up the stairs to the rooms. They had to get another room for Charles, though money was very tight at the moment.

"Charles!" Abigail greets him as they walk into the small motel room. Elizabeth was leaning against Arthur, resting. She wasn't hungry and would only just throw it back up. The loud voices woke her, Arthur stopped her from getting up and pulled her back into his chest.

"You all look like shit," Charles jokes as he greets them all. Sadie smiles and hugs everyone, but stops when she gets to Elizabeth.

"Is she sick?" Sadie asked, worried about her friend. Elizabeth did look ill, she was pale and had bags under her eyes. The morning sickness was kicking her ass.

"If pregnancy is a sickness, then yeah, sure," John jokes. He grumbles when Abigail slaps him on the back of his head. "Ow."

"You're pregnant?!" Sadie asks excitedly. Arthur nods, Charles shakes his hand and pats Elizabeth's shoulder.

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