Falling Apart.

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The headaches were getting worse, each morning Dutch woke up he felt sick to his stomach and was swimming in his own sweat. Ever since the accident in Guarma, his mental state had dramatically dropped. Though he wouldn't tell himself that, he thought he was the picture of health.

Elizabeth noticed early on that Dutch wasn't well, he snapped easily and spoke to the air around him as if there were real people there. She also noticed he would throw up a lot, usually after drinking alcohol or smoking too many cigarettes. He would forget when he smoked, so would light another and ten minutes later, nausea followed.

She decided enough was enough and rode into Saint-Denis to find the same doctor that helped Arthur. He was someone she felt could shed some light on what might be wrong with Dutch, maybe she could cure him.

"Dutch," Arthur calls as he walks over to his father figure... well, who he thought was. Dutch tensed up at the sound of his voice.

"Yes, son?" he asks in a chipper voice. Arthur stops by his tent, watching Dutch as he leans over his desk, reading the same book he'd been reading for almost a month.

"I wondered if we could talk? It's about the gang." Arthur knew he was risking a lot speaking to Dutch about this. But it's only gotten worse with Micah bringing two men into the camp that he says are his old friends. Arthur knew it was bullshit, he heard more than once Micah forgetting the guy's names and they barely spoke to him or anyone in the gang.

"What can I do for you?" he asks, still looking at the same page he'd read at least three times.

"Those men Micah brought to camp. I don't trust em'," he says waving over to where they were sitting with John. They all ignored each other, but John did watch them with a close eye. "They are scarin' the women and Jack. Tell them to leave... please."

Dutch slams his book shut as he sighs and looks at Arthur with the creepiest smile. His eyes were like daggers but his teeth were showing through his beard, this man was honestly crazy. "Now, son. Micah's friends are here to protect us. Our enemies will be back to finish us off one day, we need all the help we can get."

Arthur backed away as Dutch stalked towards him, stopping at the head of his tent to light a cigar. He coughed slightly, Arthur waved the smoke away from his view. "Dutch, we need to leave. We need money to get far away from here. I must insist, the woman and Jack should go."

Arthur didn't expect the air around them to go so stale and Dutch drops his cigar, his upper lip trembling. "Insist..." he mutters. Arthur furrows his brows at him. Why was insisting such a big thing for Dutch? Arthur had taken the lead on the gang before and Dutch would usually listen to his ideas.

"Yes... insist. We need to get them to safety." Dutch only grumbles under his breath, but it was cut short when Micah came running over.

"Boss, it's time," he shouts as he pants for air. Dutch seemed to know that he barged past Arthur and stopped in front of Micah.

"Time for what?" Arthur asks as he waves John over. Micah's odd friends followed, they all stood in a huddle.

"The train, they are passing through Annasburg within the hour. We must leave now," he says as he waves his arms frantically. Arthur knew this was a bad idea. They were about to rob the damn armour, he didn't get how Dutch didn't see just how stupid of an idea this was.

"Come on, men," Dutch says as he waves his hand for them to follow. He only pauses to gawk at Arthur before heading towards their horses. John walks close to Arthur.

"What's the plan?" he whispers. Arthur holds back, wanting there to be enough space so no one heard them.

"I don't know. We will find a good moment when we can leave, just follow his plan," he replies. Arthur looks at the camp one last time, past Pearson, there was no other male in the camp. He let Josiah leave a few days ago, after finding the man sneaking out in the early hours and gave his blessing for the Reverend to also leave. He only hoped Sadie could protect the camp.

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