An Unexpected Turn Of Events.

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It had been three weeks since the stand-off between Dutch and Arthur, news had travelled about the split of the famous Van Der Linde gang. It's thought that most of them including Dutch, Arthur and John all died when the Pinkertons attacked.

Elizabeth wasn't sure how she would cope when Arthur returned, barely alive or conscious. Covered in bullet wounds and beaten badly. He'd spent five days resting in the motel Elizabeth had booked for them all to stay. Sadie left the morning after, wanting to find Charles who'd not arrived at all during the fight and escape.

John went into Blackwater each day, wanting to find any news about the other gang members, but it seemed everyone had just disappeared. Dutch and Micah included. Elizabeth didn't care anymore, she had Arthur back and was able to get Jack and Abigail out safely. The death of Epona stung her, they didn't keep Micah's horse, selling him at the stables and buying a chestnut thoroughbred instead.

It was a small start to this new life they had. Though lately, something else was causing distractions for Elizabeth and even Abigail noticed when her friend was throwing up multiple times a day. Elizabeth thought it was just the stress and trauma of everything, but Abigail knew it was much more than that, she'd been in her situation before.

"How's Arthur?" Abigail asks as she and Elizabeth head into town to grab some food from the small local store. They were living today, but the money from Elizabeth wouldn't sustain them for much longer. She left most of her belongings back at camp, including all her money. And some that were Epona, forgetting to grab her guns, tonics and money when her faithful companion died.

"Better, he still will barely speak about what happened on the mountain. He mentioned Micah could be dead." They both walked around the corner to the store, but the wave of sickness hit her again. Elizabeth clutches her stomach and runs down a small alley to throw up.

Once she could finally stand up again, she wiped her mouth and straightened her jacket out, she looked shocking lately. Her stomach was bloated and even her chest hurt when Arthur hugged her at night.

"You okay?" Abigail asks as she stumbles back onto the street. Elizabeth only nods, feeling her cheeks flush with tiredness.

"I'm just sick," she mumbles. "Stressed as hell." Abigail only snorts in amusement. "Something funny?" she asks with a lifted brow.

"Yes, you know you ain't just sick," she whispers as they stop outside the store. Elizabeth looks at the fruit on the stand, feeling her stomach churn at the sight and smell of them.

"What else could it exactly be?" she asks, not looking at Abigail. She could guess what Abigail was getting at, but it was impossible.

"I've heard how you and Arthur have sex, Elizabeth. I'll put my money on it if you're pregnant," Abigail says with a laugh. Elizabeth only stares at her, brows furrowed as she walks into the store, trying to ignore her.

"You know I can't get pregnant," she whispers, not wanting the store clerk to hear. Abigail grabs some tinned food, keeping close to her as they wander around the store.

"You never know, Elizabeth. You need to see a doctor." Elizabeth only shook her head, it scared her to know. She never got over the trauma of her last pregnancy or birth. Jackson beating her seemed to do it for her body being able to carry another.


Two days passed since that conversation, and even though Elizabeth knew it was impossible for her to be pregnant, she decided to visit the doctor. Her sickness was getting worse and even Arthur started to comment on it, worried about her health and asked what happened to her breasts when they made love the night before. They were bigger, almost swollen and she hissed in pain when he touched them.

The doctor in Blackwater wasn't as kind as the one in Saint-Denis, he was known to have an attitude and loved to express his smartass knowledge to others that knew less.

"Can I see the doctor please?" Elizabeth asks at the main desk. The woman behind the door smiles as she grabs her book and gets up to get the doctor. The doctor's office was empty, seeming to be a quiet day for them.

"This way, Miss," the receptionist says with a warm smile as she holds the door open for Elizabeth to walk through.

The room smelt strongly of smoke, blood and antiseptic. The smell kicked Elizabeth in the stomach as she placed her hand over her mouth and nose and nearly stumbled into the chair. The doctor stood by his sink, washing his hands as he turned and smirked with just one look at Elizabeth struggling to hold back her sickness.

"Hello, Miss?" Elizabeth swallows before answering.

"Callahan," she answers. She and Arthur decided to change their last names; it was best as they'd noticed Pinkerton riding through Blackwater every few days, asking about the gang members. Luckily they'd been able to keep well hidden.

"Well, I would ask what the problem is, but by looking at you I would guess you're pregnant?" Elizabeth only drops her mouth open, how could he know just like that?

"I thought I could never have kids," she says leaning back in the chair. The doctor sits across from her in his wheeled chair. He starts to do small checks around her body, his cold fingers make her shiver.

"Why would you assume that?" he asks, checking her heartbeat.

"I was pregnant before, my daughter died during the birth. My husband... ex-husband beat me for it and caused a lot of damage to my stomach." The doctor pauses as he looks at her, seeming saddened by her story. He swallows heavily and leans back in the chair.

"Well, I can assure you, you are pregnant. Your body presents as if you're expecting. When did you last bleed?" Elizabeth actually couldn't remember, she'd been so stressed her period was very irregular.

"I think, maybe three months ago." The doctor nods, scratching his beard as he stares at her stomach.

"The sickness? How long?" he asks

"Two weeks or so," she replies.

"I would frame your pregnancy at around two months then. You are in the very early stages right now. I am sure your body will be fine carrying this baby."

"I..." Elizabeth couldn't speak, she only stared at the floor in front of her, her leg shaking uncontrollably. She gets up, thanking and paying the doctor before slowly leaving the doctor's office.

What was she going to do? They had no home, barely any money and were still on the run from the Pinkertons. She only hoped Arthur wouldn't have a heart attack when she told him.


Arthur was cleaning some clothes around the back of the motel when he heard Elizabeth stroll over to him. He stands up, smiling to welcome her, but his face quickly changes expression when he looks at the saddened expression on her face.

"What happened?" he asks as she stops in front of him.

"Please don't hate me," she whispers as a tear falls down her cheek. Arthur quickly pulls her into his chest.

"I could never hate you, tell me," he begs. Elizabeth cries into his thin blue shirt. He holds her tightly, stroking her back.

"I'm pregnant." 

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