A Small Connection.

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Elizabeth wasn't sure how she was still alive the next morning from her wild day and night of drinking. Arthur was already awake, he sat at the end of the bed leaning over his journal. She grumbled as she rolled out of bed and fell on the floor, "fuck," she mutters.

"Well, good morning," his gravel voice speaks up. She waves her hand in his general direction, a loud moan escapes her lips.

"What time is it?" Arthur looked at the pocket watch he once stole from some rich man, it was gold with a stainless steel chain attached to it. After using it for so long, he couldn't part ways with it.

"10 am, you need to get up. There is a place I want to show you." Arthur hadn't planned on taking Elizabeth with him, but after last night, from what he remembered. He wanted to see where this flirtation fun was going with them both.

"What happened last night?" Elizabeth asks as she drags herself to her feet, feeling her head near burst in response. She could smell the booze still on her, her stomach churned at the scent. Arthur had already gotten her some fresh clothes out, she smiled in thanks as she started to strip.

"Uhh," he stutters. Quickly turning around as Elizabeth takes her shirt off. "Many things happened last night, I just about remember." He wasn't going to mention their near kiss, it was still fresh in his mind and he was addicted to refreshing the memory as much as he could.

"I remember flirting with that deaf man, and you running in the post office." She giggled to herself as she remembered and laughed harder when the image of Arthur falling came to her mind.

"That wasn't funny," he snarled, still facing the blank wall. Elizabeth finished putting her trousers on before coming into his view to sit down on the bed and put her boots on.

"I umm... didn't try anything, did I?" Arthur cleared his throat, not meeting his steady gaze. "Oh god, I did," she moans as she slaps her hand over her face.

"No, no," he quickly says. "You didn't try anything," he lies. Elizabeth stares at him for a good moment, not buying his lie. "Nothin, happened!" he tried harder to lie, staring directly into her eyes.

"Hmmm, okay," she mutters. "Let's go, I need a coffee first," Elizabeth yawns against her pounding head.


Dutch and Hosea were sat by the river, fishing and spending some much needed time together. "Do you think Arthur and Elizabeth will be okay in Valentine?" Hosea asked, partly worried about how they last left that town.

Dutch laughed into the musty air, "they will be fine. Arthur likes her, you know." He paused when he felt his fishing line tug.

"I heard him speaking to Charles about her, it seemed Arthur was telling him about what he liked about the lady. Charles didn't appear to be invested in the conversation, but Arthur was really enjoying himself." Dutch was about to speak but Lenny came running over, gun in hand.

"Dutch! You need to see this!" Dutch grunted as he dropped the fishing rod and threw his cigar into the water. Hosea followed behind as they walked up the short bank towards the camp. A couple of the Braithwaites boys were in camp, armed to the teeth with Lenny and Micah both standing behind them, guns to their heads.

"What can we do for boys?" Dutch asks as he sits down at the table. Both men look at each other, an expression of disgust on their faces.

"We have been sent by Catherine Brathiewaite, she needs your help. The Grays and our family wish to call a truce on our lifelong fights." Hosea looked at Sadie, she also sensed there was more than what they let on.

"Why do you need my help?" Dutch asks, not looking at either man as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's not you, we want, sir. It's these fine men," one says as he points at John, Charles, Micah and Sean. "Where is the other one? Big, grumpy fellow, is always with that pretty lady?" John came closer, realising it was Arthur and Elizabeth he meant.

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