A Night Of Fun And Stealing.

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With Dutch now near best friends with Angelo Bronte, he'd invited Dutch and Hosea to a party. The invitation was extended to three others and Dutch asked Bill, Arthur and Elizabeth to join them. It seemed to think a woman being there would have some sort of calming effect on the night.

The evening for the party was nearing and Arthur had returned with his suit and Elizabeth over the top dress, she'd tried to talk them out of the dress but she had to be ladylike, even for just one night.

"Arthur, I look ridiculous," Elizabeth calls from their room as Abigail's room. She needed help getting the tight corset in place, feeling her air circulation near cutting off. Arthur came into the room, now in his suit. "Well, Mr Morgan," she whistled.

Arthur felt stupid as well, he wore a full black suit with a dark red tie and clean white shirt. He'd had his hair cut and used some pomade to brush it back. He looked at Elizabeth, feeling his throat become dry as he stared at the blush coloured ball gown she wore. Her hair had been unplaited to cover the other side of her head and she wore a small amount of makeup.

"You look beautiful," he dryly says. Abigail chuckled from behind Elizabeth as she pulled the last piece of cotton and tied it just below her back.

"There, done," she says with a smile and backs away to look at her handiwork. "Wow, you look like a different person." Elizabeth twirled in the dress, she still hated it. Rather wearing a suit or some trousers.

"Let's just go, the quicker we get the night done the quicker we can get back." They both went outside to the carriage waiting for them, John was taking them to Bronte's place where they'd become normal people and not outlaws for the night. Rumour is the Mayor will also be there so Dutch was already coming up with plans for them all to find out what they can about any jobs or easy thieves up from grabs.

"My lady," Arthur says with a chipper voice as he holds in his hand out for Elizabeth to climb into the carriage. She giggles and accepts his hand, finding it harder than expected to get her dress into the carriage.

Bill sat upfront whilst the others got inside. Dutch grunted as he stared at Elizabeth, his eyes roaming her body. Hosea nudged him, warning him that Arthur will not take kindly to him if he's caught.

"So what is the plan tonight, Dutch?" Arthur asks as he gets comfortable next to Elizabeth and John moves the carriage off.

"We are meeting the rich and filth of Saint-Denis, robbing them, seducing them. Do whatever you need to get us a plan, we need money to leave for good." Elizabeth scratched her neck, the high collared tinsel of the dress was becoming irritating. She wasn't sure how she was meant to keep this up all night.

"Got it," Arthur replies and he rests his hand on her knee. Hosea smiles at the couple, seeing a lot of himself and dearly departed wife Betty in them both. Dutch on the other hand looked almost angry at the two, he coughed back a grumbling grudge and started talking crap for the rest of the journey.


"Ah! Mr Van Der Linde and followers," Bronte shouts as they are led into his massive home. There were dozens of high-class people scattered throughout the whole property. Arthur kept Elizabeth close, he wasn't liking the prying eyes of the other men around them.

"Mr Bronte," Dutch greets him with a firm handshake. "Thank you for the innovation in this... lavish gathering." Bronte leads them all upstairs to the upper balcony that overlooks the back garden. It was well lit with the night sky now in place. Some danced and others spoke in small groups.

"These people are some of the dirtiest in this city, they rob, kill and lie to make their living," he explains without a little care. "But none would go after Senor Bronte," he says in his thick Italian accent.

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