Avenging Her Husband.

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Arthur hated Annasburg. It was a depressing town and the residents were far from welcoming. Micah told him to meet him and Dutch near the stacks of houses by the muddy train tracks. It wasn't hard to navigate the small town, everything was on one street and had very few shops. It didn't even have a saloon, which he dreadfully missed.

Leaning against the wall, waiting for the two morons. Arthur was taken by surprise when Micah came flying through the door across from him. "Was you followed?" he asks as he throws his arms around Arthur.

"What," Arthur shouts, trying to get the idiot off him. Micah punched his arm and tried to pull him to the ground, but Arthur wasn't going to go down that easily.

"I said, was you followed?" he laughed, trying to pull him down.

Arthur pushed him up against the door, holding his forearm against his neck. "NO! Stop fuckin' about," he growls.

"I was just messin' cowpoke," Micah says defensively. Dutch finally came over at that point, shaking his head at them both fighting.

"Micah reckons there's a rat," he says as he stops at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh does he?" Arthur says as he looks back at the snake and finally lets go. "Seems like there is always a rat where he is concerned," he spits. Dutch only sighs, letting Micah lean against his shoulder.

"Save it, cowpoke. We need to hit the Cornwalls one last time," he says as he scratches his cheek. Arthur rolls his eyes.

"No, not this again. We need money, not more revenge." He walks down the stairs and stops next to Dutch.

"This will be about money, we hit them right at the heart of their operations and leave before they figure out it's us," he says as he waves his hands at his grand plan. Arthur doesn't reply, he'd had enough of fighting Dutch's dirty battles.

"I'm not doing this again," he says. Dutch near growls at him, stopping inches from his face. "I have a family," Arthur calmly adds. He knew it was just him and Elizabeth, but that was more than enough for him.

"Well, I can only presume you want to keep your family safe?" Dutch threatens Micah and stands behind him. Showing his shit-eating grin at Arthur being threatened. "I would do as I say to keep them safe, son."

"... fine," he finally says. Dutch smiles, slapping his hands on Arthur's shoulders.

"Good, meet us here," he says, passing him a map. "We will get the paperwork we need to hit them hard and have the money to vanish forever." He and Micah leave a spring in both their steps. Arthur only wished he could just up and leave, but he wanted John, Abigail and Jack to go with them.


Elizabeth was in the tent, leaning against the bed as she tendered to her now healing cheek. Arthur had taken her to the doctor and he was confident it would heal fairly quickly. She hissed as she applied the cream, it didn't seem to work past burning her poor skin.

"Knock, knock," Sadie calls from outside. She pokes her head through, wincing at the sight of Elizabeth's cheek. "You okay?"

"I'll live," she says, putting the cream away. She stands up as Sadie stops in front of her. "What can I do for you?"

Sadie seems stuck on her words, she doesn't meet Elizabeth's gaze and paces the small space around them. You know about my husband, right?" she asks as she finally looks up.

"Yes, you told me a while back." Sadie nods, now remembering that conversation.

"I've found the man who killed him. I don't trust many past you, Arthur and John. They both are not around and I need someone to ride with me." Elizabeth pushes past her, grabbing both her rifles and pistols.

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