A Murder And Kidnapping.

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"This better not be a trap," Arthur said for the third time as he and John rode together to meet Micah, Sean and Bill. Elizabeth left before him, needing to deal with some private business beforehand.

"Yes, Arthur. As you've already told me so many times before," John shouts, not getting agitated with Arthur's moaning. He didn't think it was a trap, but then thinking about one ancient feud maybe coming to an end after all this time, just doesn't sit right with him.

Arthur shivered as the evening sky was changing rapidly, the weather at the moment couldn't make its mind between warm and freezing cold. He wanted to be in Valentine with Elizabeth, but instead, he was dealing with the gang's shit like usual.

He'd come armed to the teeth, not believing anyone's word on what the plan is. He just knows something is off, but only Elizabeth would share his concern. They both finally saw the boys sitting outside an old ranch, just on the outskirts of the town. Micah was swinging his guns around, showing off like usual.

"Well, Morgan," he cheers with a creepy smile. "Nice for you to finally join us," he lazily adds. John gets down from his horse first, but Arthur stays on his, looking at each of them, he was still pissed off from being interrupted the day before. He'd dreamed of nothing but Elizabeth that night, but having a moment alone had been impossible.

"There is summer off with this and none of you sees it!" he shouts with a grunt. Elizabeth had finally made herself present, not wasting any time getting Epona to come to a skidding stop. Micah jumps back as he is covered in sand.

"Do you mind?!" he shouts as he wipes his black leather jacket down. Elizabeth hears the others laughing, evening Arthur smiles.

"Sorry, Epona only does that to people she hates. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding," she slyly says as she brushes her hands over her mare's neck. Epona happily neighs in response. "So, you told them you think this is a trap?" she asks Arthur. Sean gets up, sighing with his rifle laid over his shoulder.

"Yes, he has! This Englishman thinks everything is a bloody trap," he spits in his thick Irish accent. Arthur gets down, coming around to Epona to help Elizabeth down. She likes the gentleness from him, but the boys all whistled and started up with the jokes.

"What exactly happened between you two in Valentine?" Bill asked. John was just about to tell them all he saw, but Arthur glared at him as twitched his finger on his knife. He really didn't want anyone knowing his business, it was between him and Elizabeth.

"Nothing," John finally said. "Come on, we need to get going." He gets his rifle out and walks ahead of them all. Elizabeth grabbed her bolt action shotgun and Carbine from Epona's saddle. Arthur had enough guns strapped to him for a small army.

"Morgan, do you need that much ammo?" Micah asked, him only having his usual pistols. They seemed to be the only thing he cared about.

"Yes... this isn't right. The whole town is deserted." All shops were shut and some homes had been boarded up, the only person around that they could see was the man working on his wagon.

"Guys, stop," Elizabeth announced. Arthur was right, this is all wrong. Even John caught on, but Bill, Micah and Sean seemed none the wiser. Sean had gotten ahead, now bored with them both being so weary.

"Look," he says as he spins around to face them all, "it's fin-." His words were cut off when the gunshot rang from behind him and a clean bullet went straight through his head. He barely got a breath out as his body dropped to the ground.

"SEAN!" Arthur screamed as he grabbed his rifle and shot the man who killed him. He was perched on the church ahead of them. Micah got out both his pistols and twisted in a full circle, killing anyone he saw.

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