The Fun Of A Bounty Hunter And Outlaw!

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A/N: So I remember watching a youtube video about Arthur smiling and laughing in the main game. It was only four minutes long and for a 50-70 hour game (depending on if you only do the main story) it just didn't seem enough for me. So I wanted to give this chapter the laughs, jokes and sarcasm we expect from our favourite outlaw. Elizabeth will be just as bad, and it only gets worse when they start drinking. Enjoy!

Elizabeth woke up first, she felt Arthur move from their night of cuddling. He'd turned back over on his back, a soft snore escaped his lips. She looked up at the window, the bright morning sun blared through. Deciding to get up, she rolled out of bed, stretching her aching back out.

"Hmm, what time is it?" a groggy voice called from behind her. She turned to see Arthur rubbing his face, the sun making his eyes look nothing past a squint.

Elizabeth leaned over to look at her pocket watch. "Just gone 8 am," she mutters. Arthur quickly sits up, not realising just how much he'd slept in.

"Shit, I need to go," he says as he quickly moves around the room. Elizabeth sat against the headboard, finding it amusing as he tried to find his clothes.

"Top draw," she calls with a laugh. He grumbles as he opens the drawers, finding his black button shirt and wine-red coloured vest. He didn't even think about her being in the room before he pulled his old bed shirt over his head. Elizabeth whistles at him.

"Would you stop that," he growls at her. Elizabeth shakes her head, watching with a tilted head as he just about squeezes his bulky arms in his shirt and rolls them up just under his elbow. "What is it with you this mornin, woman?" he asks as he grabs his shoes and trousers and heads for the door.

"Sorry," she argues with hands in the air, "I can't wake up to a show? Where are you going?" Arthur pauses at the door, looking down at the old jeans he still wore. His fresh ones and boots in his hands.

"I have a meeting, just stay ere' for summet. I will get changed in the bathroom, won't get stared at then," he shouts as he slams the door.

"Oh, you enjoy it," Elizabeth shouts as loud as she could, she only hoped he heard her. Elizabeth wasn't sure why she enjoyed teasing Arthur so much, maybe it was the fact he tried to act all tough. But his cheeks would quickly turn red when he was teased or mocked by a lady, he was a soft teddy bear under all that outlaw crap, she thought to herself.

Deciding to look around the town after being gone for so long, she got out of bed and changed into some tight jeans, knee-high boots and a shirt with a heavy leather jacket to hide most of her face. She wore an old black hat that helped cover her hair and just above her eyes.

Valentine hadn't changed since she left, it was still muddy as hell and the people of the town were as moody as ever. Stopping at the shop, Elizabeth got some food and more hair pomade, knowing she'd need it to get her hair back to normal once they left.

It was nearing 10 am when she decided to go to the local saloon for breakfast. They'd never had good food to choose from past oatmeal, so that and a cup of coffee was the best she was going to get. Though as she ate, she wondered more and more if Arthur was going to show up. He'd been gone so long, Elizabeth thought he'd abandoned her.

"Hello, little lady," a gravelled voice called from her side. Sighing heavily, she looks up. A middle-aged man stared at her, he was short, very short actually. His dirty brown eyes looked at her as if he was stripping her right there.

"Can I help you?" she asks, going back to eating her lukewarm oatmeal. The man sat down across from her, the tables were short. The man's legs dangled as he sat down.

"You looked awfully lonely, wondered if you could go with some company?" he charmingly says with his flashiest smile. Elizabeth nearly snorted into her cup, seeing his smile quickly drop. "What are you laughing at?" he snarls.

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